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Mars: The Law of Insolvency in South Africa 10th ed

ISBN13: 9781485126591
Published: May 2019
Publisher: Juta Law
Country of Publication: South Africa
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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Mars: The Law of Insolvency in South Africa has established itself as a specialist work that has for decades been the guide for anyone who practices in this important area of law.

The tenth edition of Mars: The Law of Insolvency has been revised by a team of eleven authors to include developments in the law of insolvency and associated areas of the law to give readers an up-to-date treatment of this important area of law.

While retaining the proven structure of the previous editions, this edition aims at dealing comprehensively with all aspects of insolvency law. The latest edition retains references to landmark cases and articles in legal journals but also incorporates numerous new references to critical analyses of applicable legislation, case law, insolvency law reform initiatives and international developments in the field of insolvency law, enabling the reader to gain a proper understanding of the principles underlying the South African law of insolvency.

South Africa, Other Jurisdictions
Table of Cases
General introduction
Voluntary surrender
Acts of insolvency
Compulsory sequestration
Setting aside sequestration order: appeals
Custody and administration of estate pending appointment of trustee
Effects of sequestration order
Property vesting in trustee
Property which does not vest in trustee
The insolvent’s spouse
Effects of sequestration order on uncompleted contracts
Impeachable transactions
The trustee: election, appointment, remuneration
The trustee: rights and duties
The insolvent
Creditors: meetings, rights and duties
Proof of claims
Secured creditors
Realisation of securities
Application and distribution of assets
Estate accounts
Partnership as affected by insolvency
Criminal Law—general
Criminal law—particular offences
The land bank and agricultural credit
Cross-Border Insolvency Law
Appendix i: Specimen documentation Appendix ii: Insolvency act 24 of 1936
Appendix iii: Annexure CM 101
Appendix iv: Annexure CM 102
Appendix v: Land and Agricultural Development Bank Act 15 of 2002
Appendix vi: Financial Matters Amendment Bill
Subject index;