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Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila Mclean

Edited by: Pamela R. Ferguson, Graeme T. Laurie

ISBN13: 9781472434289
Published: June 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This book marks the retirement of Professor Sheila McLean, whose contribution to the discipline of medical law has been truly ground breaking.

As one of the pioneers of the discipline, Sheila McLean inspired a revolution in the ways in which lawyers, doctors, courts and patients perceive the relationship between medicine and the law. The first International Bar Association Professor of Law and Ethics in Medicine, she has worked tirelessly to champion the importance of lawa (TM)s role in regulating medicine and protecting patientsa (TM) rights.

The span in content of this book reflects the range of contributions that Professor McLean has herself made. Her work gave direction and shape to a new field of study at a time when few questioned the authority of medicine or thought much about the plight of the patient.

This collection brings together 21 leading scholars in healthcare law and ethics to honour the depth and significance of her contribution. Including authors from the US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, the contributions cover areas as diverse as start and end of life, reproductive rights and termination of pregnancy, autonomy of patients, the protection of vulnerable patient groups, and the challenges posed by new technologies.

Medical Law and Bioethics
Foreword, Larry Gostin
Preface, Pamela R. Ferguson and Graeme T. Laurie.

Part I Issues at the Beginning of Life: Reproductive health and the law, Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens
DIY abortion and harm reduction, Emily Jackson
Parenthood and artificial human reproduction: the dangers of inappropriate medicalization, Kenneth McK. Norrie
"Fetal infants: at the edge of life?, Margot Brazier and John Harris.

Part II Care: Trust or contract: how far does the contemporary doctor/patient relationship protect and promote autonomy?, Graeme T. Laurie and J. Kenyon Mason
Advance directives and surrogate decision-making: when are patients prior wishes not determinative?, Loane Skene
Disability and healthcare: some philosophical questions, Robin Downie
Bioethics through the telescope - institutional ethics in the NHS, Christopher Newdick.

Part III Liability: Clinical negligence and poor quality care: is Wales a "putting things right?, Vivienne Harpwood
No-fault compensation for medical injury: principles, practice and prospects for reform, Anne-Maree Farrell.

Part IV Regulation: Research participants and the right to be informed, Deryck Beyleveld and Roger Brownsword
Children, cosmetic surgery and perfectionism: a case for legal regulation?, Jean V. McHale
Legal regulation of new technologies: re-thinking xenotechnologies in the 21st century, Marie Fox
The human genome revolution: Sheila McLeans quest for intellectual rigour and reproductive liberty, Mark Henaghan.

Part V Issues at the End of Life: In word, or sigh, or tear: depression and end of life choices, Colin Gavaghan
Assisted dying: humanity or autonomy?, Tom Campbell. References