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The Natural Law Reader

ISBN13: 9781444333213
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £30.95

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The Natural Law Reader features a selection of readings in metaphysics, jurisprudence, politics, and ethics that are all related to the classical Natural Law tradition in the modern world.

  • Features a concise presentation of the natural law position that offers the reader a focal point for discussion of ancient and contemporary ideas in the natural law tradition
  • Draws upon the metaphysical and ethical categories put forth and developed by Aristotle and Aquinas
  • Points to the historical significance and contemporary relevance of the Natural Law tradition
  • Reflects on a revival of interest in the tradition of virtue ethics and human rights

1. General Introduction
2. Historical Readings
2.1 Ancient
2.1.1 Heraclitus, Fragments
2.1.2 Sophocles, Antigone
2.1.3 The Hippocratic Oath
2.1.4 Plato, Apology
2.1.5 Plato, Crito
2.1.6 Plato, Phaedo
2.1.7 Plato, Laws
2.1.8 Plato, Republic
2.1.9 Aristotle, Rhetoric and Nicomachean Ethics
2.1.10 Aristotle, Politics
2.1.11 Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations 66 2.1.12 Cicero, The Republic, Book III
2.1.13 Cicero, The Laws
2.1.14 The Holy Bible, Romans 2: 1 16 80 2.2 Early Christian and Medieval 81 Introduction
2.2.1 Tertullian, Against Marcion and Apologeticus
2.2.2 Justinian, The Institutes
2.2.3 St. Augustine 93 Confessions 93 On Eighty Three Diverse Questions 94 Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount 94 De libero arbitrio (The Free Choice of the Will) 95 De Trinitate 95 25th Sermon on Psalm 118 96 Letter 157 (Epist., 157)
2.2.4 St. Augustine, The City of God
2.2.5 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles (Of God and His Creatures)
2.2.6 St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica
2.2.7 Ibn Sina, A Treatise on Love
2.2.8 Ibn Rushd, On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy
2.2.9 Moses Maimonides, Guide of the Perplexed
2.2.10 Moses Maimonides, The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics (Shemonah Perakim)
2.3 Early Modern
2.3.1 Francisco de Vitoria, De Indis et De Iure Belli Relectiones
2.3.2 Francisco Suarez, De Legibus
2.3.3 Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
2.3.4 Hugo Grotius, On the Law of War and Peace (De Jure Belli ac Pacis)
2.3.5 Samuel von Pufendorf, De Officio Hominis et Civis Juxta Legem Naturalem Libri Duo
2.3.6 John Locke, Second Treatise of Government
2.3.7 Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books
2.4 Modern
2.4.1 Heinrich Rommen, The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy
2.4.2 Jacques Maritain, Man and State
2.4.3 Yves Simon, Nature and Functions of Authority
2.4.4 A. D Entreves, A Rational Foundation of Ethics
2.4.5 Gustav Radbruch, Five Minutes of Legal Philosophy
2.4.6 G.E.M. Anscombe, Mr Truman s Degree
2.4.7 M.K. Gandhi, selected excerpts on the existence of a superior law
2.4.8 Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from the Birmingham City Jail (first version)
2.4.9 John Finnis, Natural Law
2.4.10 Servais Pinckaers, The Sources of Christian Ethics
3. Contemporary Natural Law
3.1 Ethical
3.1.1 G.E.M. Anscombe, Modern Moral Philosophy
3.1.2 Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue
3.1.3 Charles Taylor, Irreducibly Social Goods
3.1.4 P.T. Geach, Good and Evil
3.1.5 Philippa Foot, Human Goodness
3.1.6 Michael Thompson, Apprehending Human Form
3.1.7 J. Murillo, Health as a Norm and Principle of Intelligibility
3.2 Jurisprudence
3.2.1 Debates and Clarifications R.P. George, Making Men Moral Norman Kretzmann, Lex Iniusta Non est Lex: Laws on Trial in Aquinas Court of Conscience
3.2.2 New and Old Natural Law Debate R.P. George, Recent Criticism of the Natural Law Theory Stephen L. Brock, Natural Inclination and the Intelligibility of the Good in Thomistic Natural Law Daniel McInerny, Hierarchy and Direction for Choice Steven D. Smith, Natural Law and Contemporary Moral Thought: A Guide from the Perplexed
3.3 Metaphysical, Social, and Critical 341 Introduction
3.3.1 David S. Oderberg, Hylemorphic Dualism
3.3.2 Anthony J. Lisska, The Metaphysical Presuppositions of Natural Law in Thomas Aquinas: A New Look at Some Old Questions
3.3.3 Russell Wilcox, Natural Law and the Foundations of Social Theory
3.3.4 Alasdair MacIntyre, Theories of Natural Law in the Culture of Advanced Modernity
4. Applied Natural Law
4.1 Procreation and the Family
4.1.1 Servais Pinckaers, Inclination to Sexuality
4.1.2 G.E.M. Anscombe, Contraception and Chastity
4.1.3 Jacqueline A. Laing, Law, Liberalism and the Common Good
4.2 Medical Ethics and Biotechnology 389 Introduction
4.2.1 Patrick Lee and Robert P. George, The Nature and Basis of Human Dignity
4.2.2 Daniel Callahan, When Self-Determination Runs Amok
4.2.3 Leon R. Kass, Triumph or Tragedy? The Moral Meaning of Genetic Technology
4.2.4 Finn Bowring, The Cyborg Solution
4.3 Human Rights 425
4.3.1 John Finnis, Natural Law
4.3.2 Mary Ann Glendon, Foundations of Human Rights: The Unfinished Business
4.3.3 James V. Schall, Human Rights as an Ideological Project