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The Law of Damages 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781405751094
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406981701
Published: July 2010
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £1099.00

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Now in its second edition, this essential text on the Law of Damages provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of the legal principles to be applied in assessing damages. It examines the current law and also highlights areas for possible future development. The text covers all the key areas and general principles of damages making it an essential text for both practitioners and academics. Written by leading academics and QCs, this essential text on the Law of Damages provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of the legal principles to be applied in assessing damages. It examines the current law and highlights areas for possible future development. Commentary has been extensively updated to include: two new chapters - Contracts for the Benefit of Third Parties and Penalties and Liquidated Damages; a detailed and incisive consideration of the post-April 2005 periodic payment regime and particular consideration of the decision of the Court of Appeal in Thompstone v Tameside; a practitioner's insight into the complexity of the deduction of state benefits in high value claims with particular reference to the decision in Crofton v National Health Service Litigation Authority; a helpful guide for practitioners to the assessment of general damages utilising the "JSB Guidelines, Eighth Edition"; and, a comprehensive review of all the up-to-date authorities on assessment of damages, both special and future loss, in personal injury claims. The book is part of the Common Law menu which is supported by annual updates.

Remedies and Damages
PART I: General Principles
1. The Scope of Damages
2. Measures of Damages
3. Financial Loss
4. Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss
5. Avoided and Avoidable Loss
6. Remoteness of Damage
7. Causation and Damages
8. Contributory Negligence and Contribution
9. The Currency of the Award
10. The Right to Interest
11. Effect of Death, Bankruptcy, Assignment etc

PART II: Damages other than for Personal Injury
12. The Scope of Damages
13. Measures of Damages
14. Financial Loss
15. Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss
16. Avoided and Avoidable Loss
17. Remoteness of Damage
18. Causation and Damages
19. Contributory Negligence and Contribution
20. Contracts for the benefit of third parties
21. Penalties and liquidated damages
22. Sale of Goods
23. Contracts for the Sale of Land: Covenants over freehold land
24. Lease of land
25. Carriage Contracts
26. Agency Relationships
27. Professional Liability
28. Miscellaneous torts and non-contractual liabilities

PART III: Personal Injury Damages
29. Personal Injury Damages
30. Causation in personal injury cases
31. Assessment of damages for pain, suffering & loss of amenity
32. Specific personal injury damages
33. Past future loss
34. Criminal Injuries Compensation
35. Fatal accident claims
36. Supplementary matters.

Series: Butterworths Common Law

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