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Nuclear Weapons Under International Law

Edited by: Gro Nystuen, Stuart Casey-Maslen

ISBN13: 9781316500699
Published: November 2015
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2014)
Price: £41.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781107042742

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

Nuclear Weapons Under International Law is a comprehensive treatment of nuclear weapons under key international law regimes.

It critically reviews international law governing nuclear weapons with regard to the inter-state use of force, international humanitarian law, human rights law, disarmament law, and environmental law, and discusses where relevant the International Court of Justice's 1996 Advisory Opinion.

Unique in its approach, it draws upon contributions from expert legal scholars and international law practitioners who have worked with conventional and non-conventional arms control and disarmament issues.

As a result, this book embraces academic consideration of legal questions within the context of broader political debates about the status of nuclear weapons under international law.

Public International Law

Part I. Nuclear Weapons and Jus Ad Bellum Gro Nystuen and Stuart Casey-Maslen:
1. Using force by means of nuclear weapons and requirements of necessity and proportionality ad bellum Nobuo Hayashi
2. Legality under jus ad bellum of the threat of use of nuclear weapons Nobuo Hayashi
3. Nuclear weapons and the separation of jus ad bellum and jus in bello Jasmine Moussa

Part II. Nuclear Weapons and International Humanitarian Law:
4. The use of nuclear weapons under rules governing the conduct of hostilities Stuart Casey-Maslen
5. Nuclear weapons and the unnecessary suffering rule Simon O'Connor
6. Threats of use of nuclear weapons and international humanitarian law Gro Nystuen
7. The use of nuclear weapons as a reprisal under international humanitarian law Stuart Casey-Maslen

Part III. International Criminal Law:
8. Use of nuclear weapons as genocide, a crime against humanity, or a war crime Stuart Casey-Maslen
9. Use of nuclear weapons as an international crime and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Annie Golden Bersagel

Part IV. International Environmental Law:
10. Use of nuclear weapons and protection of the environment during international armed conflict Erik V. Koppe
11. Environmental approaches to nuclear weapons Martina Kunz and Jorge E. Vinuales
12. The testing of nuclear weapons under international law Don MacKay

Part V. International Disarmament Law:
13. International law, nuclear weapon-free zones, and the proposed zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East Marco Roscini
14. Nuclear weapon-free zones: the political context Cecilie Hellestveit and Daniel Mekonnen
15. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Gro Nystuen and Torbjorn Graff Hugo
16. The legal meaning and implications of Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Daniel H. Joyner
17. Armed non-state actors and 'nuclear terrorism' Stuart Casey-Maslen

Part VI. International Human Rights Law:
18. Human rights law and nuclear weapons Louise Doswald-Beck
19. The right to a remedy and reparation for the use of nuclear weapons Stuart Casey-Maslen

Part VII. The Legality of Nuclear Weapons under International Law:
20. Conclusions on the status of nuclear weapons under international law Gro Nystuen .