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Marine Licensing and Planning: Law & Practice

ISBN13: 9781138815933
To be Published: June 2026
Publisher: Informa Law from Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £200.00

The first book of its kind, Marine Licensing and Planning provides a timely and practical analysis of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCAA), which came into force on 12 January 2010. The MCAA brought with it major changes to the marine planning sector, not least in vastly increasing the scope of activities for which a marine licence is required. This book therefore offers a comprehensive overview of the new consenting and legal framework surrounding marine and coastal development in the UK.

Highly practical in approach, the author provides illustrative case studies and examples demonstrating how to take large scale development projects through the new marine licensing regime. Also included is analysis of where the issues in the Act might lie, and provides hands-on advice on how to resolve them. Due to the recent growth in renewable energy projects and the popularity of wind turbines in the marine environment, there is distinct coverage of tidal and wave power, as well as the consenting regime for large offshore renewables (NSIP). In addition to covering the commercial aspects of marine development, the book also devotes a chapter to environmental protection of the marine environment in light of the new marine conservation zones. It also examines the complex interaction of the new marine planning regime under MCAA with both terrestrial planning and harbour revision and empowerment orders.

This book is essential reading for legal practitioners, planning consultants, coastal developers and related professionals throughout the marine planning industry.

Series: Lloyd's Environment and Energy Law Library

The Contractual Allocation of Liabilities in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry ISBN 9781138820524
To be published January 2026
Informa Law from Routledge
Out of print
Lex Petrolea and International Investment Law: Law and Practice in the Persian Gulf ISBN 9781138656499
Published August 2016
Informa Law from Routledge