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Decoding Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties

ISBN13: 9781108792059
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2021)
Price: £29.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108490986

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This is a major work investigating China's bilateral investment treaties (BITs) regime through various approaches including textual analysis, case study, comparative study and empirical study. This book tries to unveil some of the puzzles in Chinese BITs. The general consensus is that the evolution of Chinese BIT regime has its underlying logic, which follows an investment liberalization trend and fits China's changing role from a key capital-importing state to a major capital-exporting state. A similar trend is evident in Chinese BIT-making and BIT policy. This book investigates these theoretical assumptions and looks into some of the loopholes in Chinese BITs.

Other Jurisdictions , China
1. Current landscape and puzzling issues
2. China's foreign investment law in the past four decades
3. Substantive protection provisions in Chinese BITs
4. Non-discriminatory standards in China's BITs
5. Expropriation in local and global contexts
6. How are Chinese bits interpreted? Jurisprudential review of treaty interpretative tools in Chinese BIT-based arbitration cases
7. Parallel proceedings under Chinese BITs
8. Transitional clauses in transition and the black hole in Chinese BIT law
9. Evolutionary path of China's BIT law in the return of the state paradigm – a statistical and textual approach
10. Who makes Chinese BITs? – an empirical investigation
11. By way of conclusion: Chinese BIT law and practice in the jungle