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Transparency in International Investment Arbitration: A Guide to the UNCITRAL Standard on Transparency in Treaty-Based Investor-State Arbitration

Edited by: Dimitrij Euler, Markus Gehring, Maxi Scherer

ISBN13: 9781108465083
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £32.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781107077935

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The topic of transparency in international investment arbitration is gaining increasing attention. This in-depth commentary analyses the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-Based Investor-State Arbitration, one of the most recent and innovative developments in international law.

Focusing on the application of these rules, contributors analyse the issue of transparency in investment law more broadly and provide in-depth guidance on how to apply the UNCITRAL transparency rules.

Chapters encompass all treaty-based disputes between investors and state, examining the perspectives of disputing parties, third parties, non-disputing state parties and arbitral tribunals. The contributors each have a strong background in investment arbitration, in both professional practice and academia.

This commentary will be of interest to all actors involved in investment arbitrations, especially practitioners, counsels NGOs, and scholars in the fields of international law, commercial arbitration and investor-state arbitration.

International Investment Law, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. Introduction Maxi Scherer, Markus Gehring and Dimitrij Euler
2. Public interest in investment arbitration Maxi Scherer, Markus Gehring and Dimitrij Euler
3. Article 1. Scope of application Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer
4. Article 2. Publication of information at the commencement of arbitral proceedings Giuseppe Bianco
5. Article 3. Publication of documents Christopher Kee
6. Article 4. Submission by a third person Mariel Dimsey
7. Article 5. Submission by a non-disputing party to the treaty Martins Paparinskis and Jessica Howley
8. Article 6. Hearings Klint Alexander
9. Article 7. Exceptions to transparency Thierry Augsburger
10. Article 8. Repository of published information Kathleen Claussen
11. The application of transparency Johannes Koepp and Cameron Sim
12. Conclusion Dimitrij Euler and Maxi Scherer.