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Nine to Five: How Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Continue to Define the American Workplace

ISBN13: 9781107589827
Published: April 2016
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £30.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781107133365

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

Nine to Five provides a lively and accessible introduction to the laws and policies regulating sex, sexuality, and gender identity in the American workplace. Contemporary cases and events reveal the breadth and persistence of sexism and gender stereotyping.

Through a series of essays organized around sex discrimination, sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, and pay equity, the book highlights legal rules and doctrines that privilege men over women and masculinity over femininity.

In understanding the law - what it forbids, what it allows, and to what it turns a blind eye - we see why it is far too soon to declare the triumph of working women's equality. Despite significant gains for women, gender continues to define the work experience in both predictable and surprising ways.

A witty and engaging guide to the legal terrain, Nine to Five also proposes solutions to the many obstacles that remain on the path to equality.

Other Jurisdictions , USA
Foreword Barbara Babcock
Part I. What Is Sex Discrimination?: 1. Sexual jealousy
2. Too hot to be a dental hygienist?
3. A twist on the problem of sex inequality in coaching
4. Mixed motives
5. Sex stereotyping and dress codes
6. A victory for transgender employees
7. How fast must female transit officers run?
8. Who is protected by anti-discrimination laws?
9. Punishing the coach who stood up for his female athletes
10. Broader protection against workplace retaliation
11. The Supreme Court protects retaliation victims, but still leaves gaps in the law
Part II. Sexual Harassment: 12. Workplace affairs and sexual favoritism
13. Lolita at the office
14. Sex talk in the writers' room
15. Sex behind bars
16. When the supervisor bullies only women
17. The equal opportunity harasser
18. Periodontal perils
19. Punishing effeminacy
20. Late night affairs with David Letterman
21. Why Herman Cain has not been able to talk his way out of his exploding sexual harassment scandal
22. Why hostile environment harassment is a 'continuing violation'
23. When sexual extortion is successful
24. The consequences of failing to complain about harassment
25. Who is responsible for sudden, severe harassment?
26. Chinks in the harassment law armor
27. Do employer efforts prevent harassment or just prevent liability?
28. Who's the boss?
29. Costly mistakes
30. Hands off the merchandise
Part III. Pregnant Women and Mothers at Work: 31. Pregnant truckers and the problem of light-duty assignments
32. A big win for pregnant police officers
33. Undue burden
34. Hard labor: new pregnancy discrimination guidance from the EEOC
35. Forceps delivery: the Supreme Court narrowly saves the pregnancy discrimination act in Young vs UPS
36. The Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act: a time for change?
37. The Supreme Court deals a blow to once-pregnant retirees
38. If she don't win it's a shame
39. Must employers who cover prescriptions cover contraception?
40. Fertile ground for discrimination
41. Can a woman be fired for absenteeism related to fertility treatments?
42. Is lactation related to pregnancy?
43. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act reaches advanced maternal age
44. A victory for families, but hardly a panacea
45. A small step in the right direction: the Family and Medical Leave Act at twenty
46. 'Best practices' to promote work/family balance
Part IV. Female Breadwinners and the Glass Ceiling: 47. The Supreme Court slams the door on pay discrimination claims
48. A call for congressional action to remedy pay inequality
49. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
50. Taking stock: is the Ledbetter Act working?
51. The lady in red
52. Unfinished business
53. Will ABA's proposed solutions for gender inequity work?
54. Equality still elusive for women in the federal workforce
55. 'Girlie men'
56. Playing 'too womany' and the problem of masculinity in sport
57. Binders for women, blinders for Romney