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The Economic Accomplices to the Argentine Dictatorship: Outstanding Debts

Edited by: Horacio Verbitsky, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky

ISBN13: 9781107534742
Published: December 2018
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £36.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781107114197

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Much has been written on the Argentine dictatorship and the transitional justice movement that brought its members to justice. However there has been no study to date of the economic accomplices to this dictatorship and the recent advancements in Argentina towards holding these actors accountable. What was the role of banks, companies, and individuals in perpetuating a murderous regime? To what extent should they be held responsible?

As the first academic study on economic complicity in Argentina, this book attempts to answer these questions. Renowned human rights scholars investigate the role played by such actors as Ford, Mercedes Benz, the press, foreign banks, and even the Catholic Church. Across numerous case studies, the authors make a compelling argument for the legal responsibility of economic accomplices. A groundbreaking interdisciplinary study, this book will be essential to anyone interested in transitional justice, business, and human rights.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Other Jurisdictions , Latin America
Introduction: state terrorism and the economy: from Nuremberg to Buenos Aires Horacio Verbitsky and Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky

Part I. Past and Present Economic Complicity
1. Why was the economic dimension missing for so long in transitional justice? An exploratory essay Naomi Roht-Arriaza
2. Accountability for corporate complicity in human rights violations: Argentina's transitional justice innovation? Leigh A. Payne and Gabriel Pereira

Part II. Theoretical Framework and International Dimension
3. Economic ideas and power during the dictatorship Mariana Heredia
4. Foreign powers, economic support, and geopolitics Jorge E. Taiana

Part III. The Macroeconomics of the Dictatorship
5. The legacy of the dictatorship. The new pattern of capital accumulation, deindustrialization, and the decline of the working class Eduardo M. Basualdo
6. Public finances Alfredo F. Calcagno
7. Complicity of the lenders Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky

Part IV. Complicity and the Law: 8. Corporate complicity and legal accountability. Report of the International Commission of Jurists International Commission of Jurists Expert Panel
9. Corporate responsibility for complicity. International and local perspectives Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
10. Statute of limitations on actions for complicity Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Agustin Cavana and Leonardo Filippini

Part V. Company Ordered Disappearances
11. The cases of Ford and Mercedes Benz Victoria Basualdo, Tomas Ojea Quintana and Carolina Varsky
12. Acindar and Techint. Extreme militarization of labor relations Victorio Paulon
13. Between historical analysis and legal responsibility: the Ledesma case Alejandra Dandan and Hannah Franzki
14. Contributions to the analysis of the role of labor leadership in worker repression in the 1970s Victoria Basualdo
15. Suppression of workers rights Hector Recalde

Part VI. Industrial and Agricultural Businesss Associations: Complicity and Benefits
16. Industrial economic power as promoter and beneficiary of Argentina's refounding project (1976-83) Martin Schorr
17. The complicity of the agricultural business chambers Mario Rapoport and Alfredo Zaiat

Part VII. Illegal Appropriation of Companies: 18. Organized pillaging Federico Delgado
19. The National Securities Commission and the assault on 'economic subversion' Alejandra Dandan
20. The Papel Prensa case. Notes for a study Andrea Gualde

Part VIII. A Range of Generous and Interested Supports
21. The media: uniform discourse and business deals under cover of state terrorism Damian Loreti
22. The price of the Church's blessing Horacio Verbitsky
23. The hidden Italy connection Claudio Tognonato
24. The lawyers. From repression to neoliberalism Horacio Verbitsky

Conclusion: outstanding debts to settle. Work agenda Horacio Verbitsky and Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky.