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The Global Evolution of Clinical Legal Education : More than a Method

ISBN13: 9781107025615
Published: December 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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Globally, the methodologies of legal education have not changed in any fundamental way, some methods dating back hundreds of years. Law schools have relied, for too long, on passive learning methods such as lectures or cases. Clinical legal education provides an alternative that is more than just another pedagogical method. It provides a way for students to experience their emerging professional selves, while providing services or projects with poor and underrepresented clients.

This book documents both the historical origins of clinical experiments in the earliest days of U.S. university legal education, and the now-global reach of clinical pedagogy as a proven tool for effective training of legal professionals.

Legal Skills and Method
1. A global tour of legal education's primary teaching methods: the persistence of tradition

Part I. Origins:
2. Early University legal education in the US: a pedagogy of practice from the Antebellum Period to 1917
3. The earliest legal clinics: dispensaries, clinics, the legal aid connection and the roots of a movement, 1870-1916
4. The clinical model in early US medical training: why law didn't follow
5. Theory and clinical legal education

Part II. Global Reach:
6. Clinical legal education in Latin America
7. Clinical legal education in Central and Eastern Europe
8. Clinical legal education in Africa
9. Clinical legal education in East Asia
10. Clinical legal education in Central, South East and South Asia, and the Pacific Island nations
11. Clinical legal education in the Middle East
12. Clinical legal education in continental Western Europe.