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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art

Edited by: Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Mark A. Pollack

ISBN13: 9781107020740
Published: February 2013
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £99.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781107684027

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art brings together the most influential contemporary writers in the fields of international law and international relations to take stock of what we know about the making, interpretation and enforcement of international law. The contributions to this volume critically explore what recent interdisciplinary work reveals about the design and workings of international institutions, the various roles played by international and domestic courts, and the factors that enhance compliance with international law. The volume also explores how interdisciplinary work has advanced theoretical understandings of the causes and consequences of the increased legalization of international affairs.

Public International Law
Part I. Introduction: Setting the Stage:
1. International law and international relations: taking stock Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack
2. Law, legalization, and politics: an agenda for the next generation of IR/IL scholars Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal

Part II. Theorizing International Law:
3. Institutionalism and international law Barbara Koremenos
4. Liberal theories of international law Andrew Moravcsik
5. Constructivism and international law Jutta Brunnee and Stephen J. Toope
6. Wanted: dead or alive - realist approaches to international law Richard H. Steinberg

Part III. Making International Law:
7. Flexibility in international agreements Laurence R. Helfer
8. Hard and soft law Gregory Shaffer and Mark A. Pollack
9. NGOs in international relations (theory) Peter J. Spiro
10. Regulatory networks Abraham Newman and David Zaring
11. Lawmaking by international organizations: perspectives from IL/IR theory Ian Johnstone
12. Institutional proliferation and the international legal order Kal Raustiala
13. Legitimacy: concepts and conceptions/normative and descriptive Daniel Bodansky

Part IV. The Interpretation and Application of International Law:
14. The Multiple roles of international courts and tribunals: enforcement, dispute resolution, constitutional and administrative review Karen J. Alter
15. The design of dispute settlement procedures in international agreements Barbara Koremenos and Timm Betz
16. Whose agents? the interpretation of international law in national courts Lisa Conant
17. International judicial independence Erik Voeten
18. The politics of treaty interpretation: variations and explanations across international tribunals Joost Pauwelyn and Manfred Elsig

Part V. Enforcement, Compliance, and Effectiveness:
19. The engines of compliance Jana von Stein
20. Coercive enforcement in international law Alexander Thompson
21. Reputation in international relations and international law theory Rachel Brewster
22. Open economy law Joel P. Trachtman
23. Persuading to comply: on the deployment and avoidance of legal argumentation Steven R. Ratner
24. Against compliance Lisa L. Martin

Part VI. Conclusions:
25. International law and international relations: twenty years later Anne-Marie Slaughter
26. Reviewing two decades of IL/IR scholarship: what we've learned, what's next Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack.