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United Nations Sanctions Regimes and Selective Security (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781040018408
Published: April 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £39.99
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This book investigates the selective nature of UN sanctions regimes with a specific focus on the post-Cold War era. Legally binding on all members UN sanctions are the most effective and legitimate non-violent multilateral tools to respond to international security threats, symbolically more powerful than unilateral or multilateral sanctions because they enjoy global support. However, since 1990, dozens of threats to international peace were met with sanctions, but many others were not. How can we explain this incoherent approach? With a focus on the selectiveness, rather than effectiveness of UN sanctions the author reflects on the shifting geopolitical tensions between Security Council members and uses a variety of widely used academic datasets to provide a unique overview of what determines sanctions and sanctionable events. The primary audience will be scholars and students of international relations, international organization, security studies and political economy.

Public International Law, eBooks
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 – Introduction: United Nations Sanctions and Selective Security
The Selective Nature of UN Sanctions
After After Hegemony

Chapter 2 – A History of Sanctions and Selectivity
Sanctions and the League of Nations
UN Sanctions and the Cold War (1945-1989)
UN Sanctions Since 1990 – The Sanctions Decades
Contemporary UN Sanctions – More Targeted, Less Regimes

Chapter 3 – Presenting the Sanctionable Events Dataset: 1990 – 2022
Sanctions and Datasets
Sanctions and Norms
Sanctionable Events: 1990 – 2022
Proxies for Selectivity

Chapter 4 – Nuclear Proliferation and Selective UN Sanctions
Defining the Event
Nuclear proliferators before 1990
Nuclear Proliferators after 1990

Chapter 5 – Interstate Wars and Selective UN Sanctions
Defining the Event
A History of Interstate War and UN Responses
Interstate Wars and UN Sanctions Since 1990

Chapter 6 - Civil War and Selective UN Sanctions
Defining the Event
Selectivity in Time
Selectivity in Space
Governments vs. non-State Armed Groups
4. Hypotheses for Selectivity
Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
A Shift in Selectivity: From Libya to Syria

Chapter 7 – Terrorism and Selective UN Sanctions
Defining the Event
State-Sponsored Terrorism and UN Sanctions since 1990
Al-Qaida and the War on Terror
UN Sanctions and on the War on Terror
Terrorism and Selective UN Sanctions

Chapter 8 – Coups d’état and Selective UN Sanctions
Defining the Event
A history of the offence - Coups d’état since 1946
Coups d’état and Selective UN Sanctions
Six Short Case Studies

Chapter 9 – Conclusions: United Nations Sanctions and Selective Security
United Nations Sanctions and Selective Security
