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Child Welfare and Rights: A Contemporary Family Law Analysis

ISBN13: 9781032820934
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This book focuses on the role and content of the principle of the welfare interests of the child, considering the extent to which the principle has changed following its varied elevation by the introduction of paramountcy and reviews the distinction between welfare interests and rights.

Providing an updated record of developments in the framework of relevant international law, the book assesses the contemporary relevance of established and emerging themes in the flow of cases dealing with the welfare interests and rights of children in England and Wales, Ireland, the U.S. and Canada, Australia, New Zealand together with France and Germany. By identifying and analysing the functions of the principle in hybrid proceedings (including adoption from state care and commercial surrogacy) it completes the analysis of the law relating to children in public (care and protection) and in private (divorce, custody etc) family law as a whole, revealing characteristic jurisdictional differences and facilitating a comparative assessment of their significance. By examining the international framework of legislation and related caselaw it identifies and assesses unfolding themes in the law relating to children.

In addition to a digest of international cases and legislation that identifies and tracks the role of this principle in civil and criminal law, lawyers, academics and other researchers will find a wealth of information on how it has evolved to reflect corresponding changes in society.

Family Law, Children

Part I: Children’s Rights v Welfare Interests
1. Welfare Interests and Legal Rights: Complementary or Conflicting?
2. Child as a Legal Entity
3. Family Life and Family Breakdown

Part II: Hybrid Family Law and Implications for Children’s Rights
4. Commercial Surrogacy and Parental Abduction
5. Adoption from State Care and Intercountry Adoption
6. Unaccompanied Migrant Minors, Detention and Trafficking
7. Poverty, Discrimination and Public Servicess

Part III: Coherence in Family Law: Balancing Welfare Interests and Rights
8. Family Law Coherence: Welfare Interests and Rights

Book Conclusion

Series: Children and the Law

Out of print
The Principle of the Welfare of the Child: A History ISBN 9781032214504
Published September 2022
The Principle of the Welfare of the Child: A History (eBook) ISBN 9781000641271
Published September 2022
Out of print