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Law, Animals and Toxicity Testing: The Case of the Laboratory Mouse

ISBN13: 9781032643823
Published: September 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00

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Drawing on our growing knowledge of animal cognition, this book provides a critical analysis of the use of animals in the legal regime and practice of toxicity testing.

Although animal abuse has become a major issue, animal testing remains largely in the shadows, even though it involves substantial cruelty. Toxicity testing, in particular, imposes considerable pain, suffering and ultimately death on those laboratory animals – often mice – chosen to demonstrate the characteristics of chemicals and their commercial potential. This book documents and critically analyses the animal protection laws of the European Union, the United States and Canada. It examines not only the tests themselves and the suffering they inflict on animals, but also exposes the failure of both the testing and the toxicity laws to effectively protect human health and the environment. Finally, the book takes up the potential of alternative non-animal testing methods to replace the current regimen, and to reduce current damage to health and the environment.

This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of animal studies, environmental law, and sociolegal studies; as well as others with an interest in ethics and animal rights.

Animal Law
1. Animal Cognition and Animal Intelligence 2. The Ethical Implications of Cognition 3. The Limitations of Animal Protection Laws 4. The Laboratory Mouse: Its Life and Loves 5. Toxicity Testing and Its Toll on Animals 6. Toxic Trans-Corporeality 7. Contested Toxics Laws 8. Alternative Non-Animal Testing Methods and the Road Less Travelled 9. Final Conclusion

Series: Law, Justice and Ecology

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Ecological Restoration Law: Concepts and Case Studies ISBN 9781138605015
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Earth Jurisprudence: Private Property and the Environment ISBN 9781138061354
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Wild Law: In Practice ISBN 9781138944930
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Earth Jurisprudence: Private Property and the Environment ISBN 9780415633178
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Earth Jurisprudence: Private Property and the Environment (eBook) ISBN 9781135144234
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Wild Law: In Practice ISBN 9780415663342
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Wild Law: In Practice (eBook) ISBN 9781136008405
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Law and Ecology: New Environmental Foundations ISBN 9780415628785
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Law and Ecology: New Environmental Legal Foundations ISBN 9780415587136
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