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Statelessness in Asia

Edited by: Michelle Foster, Jaclyn Neo, Christoph Sperfeldt

ISBN13: 9781009399593
Published: January 2025
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

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This interdisciplinary collection, edited by leading scholars, provides the first book-length treatment of statelessness in the region in which most stateless persons reside. This book fills a critical gap in understanding statelessness in Asia, offering a unique interdisciplinary and comprehensive set of perspectives. This book brings case studies and expertise together to explore statelessness in Asia, itself a diverse region, and offers new insights as to what it means to be, de facto and de jure, stateless. In identifying key points of similarities and divergences across the region, as well as critical nodes for comparisons, this book aims to provide fresh frameworks for comparative research in this area.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Other Jurisdictions , Asia
1. Statelessness in Asia: causes, conditions, and challenges in context - Michelle Foster, Jaclyn Neo and Christoph Sperfeldt

Part I. Asia and the Phenomenon of Statelessness:
2. Stateless in South Asia: a legal history of challenges to immigration, nationality, and citizenship regimes in Sri Lanka - Kalyani Ramnath
3. Discrimination and childhood statelessness in Southeast Asia - Rodziana Mohamed Razali
4. Hidden statelessness dimensions of state succession in Central Asia: transit to a solution for stateless trans-border wives and children - Aziz Ismatov
5. Conflict and statelessness: a case study of descendants of kuomintang secret army in Thailand - Sanzhuan Guo

Part II. Statelessness and Intersecting Vulnerabilities:
6. Learning to be stateless: life stages and childhood statelessness in Northern Thailand - Janepicha Cheva-Isarakul
7. Gender, nationality and statelessness: marriage migration to East Asia - Susan Kneebone
8. Doubtful citizens: irregularization and precarious citizenship in contemporary India - Mohsin Alam Bhat
9. Statelessness and heritagisation in Southeast Asia: cultural tourism, festivals and the marginalisation of transborder mobile maritime communities - Greg Accaioli, Helen Brunt and Julian Clifton

Part III. Challenges and Prospects for Change:
10. Stranded in Limbo: (De Facto) denationalisation and statelessness of Indonesian Foreign terrorist fighters - Matthew Seet
11. Statelessness in Myanmar: the Rohingya moment after the 2021 coup - Nyi Nyi Kyaw
12. Addressing statelessness through the human rights and development frameworks: reforming or reinforcing the status quo? Amal de Chickera and Rehana Mohammad
13. Persuading to ratify: a calculus of the ratification of the statelessness convention in Asia - Francis Tom Temprosa