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Juristes Et Droits Savants

Andre GouronUniversite de Montpellier I, France

ISBN13: 9780860788164
ISBN: 0860788164
Published: October 2000
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £120.00

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This fourth collection by Professor Andre Gouron presents a set of 20 studies on jurisprudence, jurists and legal practice in the 12th and 13th centuries. The focus is on the schools and traditions of Bologna and in France, but the coverage includes canon, Roman and customary law. The first part deals with theories diffused by the jurists of Bologna and France and the literary genres in which they expressed these theories, particularly on questions of presumptions, proof, and illicit conditions. In the second section the author looks at some of the persons involved in the juridical renaissance of this period, and at some of the effects of the legal doctrines being taught on royal legislation, procedure, the fiscal system, and urban autonomy.

Theories et enseignement universitaire: usage de l'hypothese et reconstruction historique de la science civiliste au XIIe siecle; Canon law in Parisian circles before Stephan of Tournai's ""Summa""; theorie des presomptions et pouvoir legislatif chez les glossateurs; la diffusion des premiers recueils de questions disputee - des civilistes aux canoniste; de la ""constitution"" ""Habita"" aux ""Tres Libri""; observations sur le ""Stemma Bulgaricum""; l'enseignement du droit civil au XIIe siecle - de la coutume a la regle; Placentinus, ""Herold"" der Bermutungslehre?; ""testis unus, testis nullus"" dans la doctrine juridique du XIIe siecle; ""conditio probrosa et spernenda""; ""Rationabiliter"" et ""ratio"" dans les ecrits juridiques du Midi Provencal au XIIe siecle. Doctrines, pouvoir et societe (legislation et pratiques): ordonnances des rois de France et droits savant (XIIIe-XVe siecles); sur les traces de Rogerius en Provence; medieval courts and towns - examples from southern France; Maitre Durand, pionnier du notariat savant; ""Utriusque partis allegationibus auditis""; l'invention de l'impot proportionnel au Moyen Age; le ""grammairien enrage""; Aubert de Beziers et son oeuvre (ms. Turin, Bibl. Naz. D. v.
19); un juriste bolonais docteur in utroque au XIIe siecle? ""Populus"" - legal entity and political autonomy.