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Agricultural Tenancies 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780854902354
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780854900503
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £49.00

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This revised and expanded new edition contains a mass of legal and practical information within a compact, user-friendly format to provide a concise introduction to the law relating to agricultural tenancies.

Fully updated to cover all legal developments, the text is supported by an array of procedural checklists and deals with the problems most commonly encountered in practice. The sections on the two major statutes - the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 and Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 have been updated and expanded. The precedents section now also includes more notices and also succession application forms accompanied by helpful practical notes on each of them.

Practical and affordable, Agricultural Tenancies will prove to be an invaluable guide for the busy practitioner. The book assumes no existing knowledge of agricultural tenancies law and adopts a very practical approach to the subject matter. A very useful raft of precedents is included and guidance provided on using the precedents and completion of the succession forms.