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Winning Your Case with Graphics

ISBN13: 9780849381317
ISBN: 0849381312
Published: May 2000
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: book (details unknown);CD-ROM
Price: £190.00

In an era where complex litigation is fast becoming the rule, not the exception, Winning Your Case With Graphics provides a clear methodology for designing and organizing visual exhibits for courtroom presentation. This unique, easy-to-read book contains illustrations that show how to solve numerous problems in the presentation of demonstrative or forensic evidence. Examples from case studies show attorneys the wide variety of design and media choices currently used in courtrooms. AN ESSENTIAL PART OF A WINNING COURTROOM STRATEGY Topics addressed include ways to focus and keep audience attention; how to explain difficult concepts to a lay audience; a practical primer on understanding animation, video, graphs, and illustrations; and appropriate uses of modern technology such as multimedia and on-screen navigation. A valuable addition to any litigator or litigation support specialist's arsenal of communication tools:Attorneys, paralegals, legal secretaries, and other litigation support specialists will find this an essential handbook for providing compelling, memorable visual evidence and for expanding their creativity in planning courtroom strategy. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:A.;Tana Kantor, a multimedia specialist and award-winning designer with a master's degree in communications, has over nine years experience creating courtroom graphics and animations. At LSI Graphic Evidence in Los Angeles, she helped pioneer the use of modern technology and design to describe complex processes in the courtroom. She has also consulted with major video graphics equipment manufacturers on product and software design.

INTRODUCTIONCreating the Forest from the TreesAbout This BookMETHODOLOGYDefining the ExhibitsThe StoryContentAudienceBudgetViewing OptionsCourtboardsVariations on CourtboardsMediaHow the Medium Affects DesignResolutionMeasuring ResolutionThe Medium is the MessageUsing ResolutionExampleDesignTemplate DesignStructureVariety/ConsistencyHumorFinding IdeasPRODUCTIONDemonstrative ExhibitsIllustrating FactsIllustrating ConceptsText ScreensGraphical Display of DataGraphsTimelinesOrganizational ChartsTablesDocumentsDocuments without TreatmentsDocuments with TreatmentsPatent ArtOrganizationPhotographsReproducing PhotographsMultiple PhotographsUse in VideoBought or Found PhotographsTutorialsWhat is Enough Repetition and AnticipationCredibilityAnimationWhat is Animation Types of AnimationThe Animation ProcessPlaying Animation in a CourtroomDemonstrative v. SubstantiveWhen to Use AnimationVideoDepositionsVideo Crime SceneExpert FilmDocumentaryAudioDesignersWho are Designers Types of Designers and ProducersHow to Effectively Use a Graphics ProviderCASE EXAMPLESTemplate DesignThe CaseThe SolutionThe OutcomeUsing DocumentsThe CaseThe SolutionThe OutcomeExplaining DataThe CaseThe SolutionThe ExhibitsThe OutcomeMedia PioneersPioneersThe CaseThe SolutionThe OutcomeForensic ModelingThe CaseThe SolutionThe OutcomeUsing HumorThe CaseThe SolutionThe OutcomeTECHNOLOGYColorTermsColor ModesExamples of How Technology Influences ArtBit Map/Vector ArtVectorBit Map ImagesTemplate SpecificationsTemplates for CourtboardsTemplates for Monitor ExhibitsScanning SpecificationsScanning Line Art or Documents for PrintingScanning Line Art or Documents for MonitorsVideosTime CodeLogging VideotapeInterfaceLinear vs. Nonlinear EditingAnalog vs. DigitalKeeping Track of ExhibitsGlossary