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World Insolvency Systems: A Comparative Study

Edited by: Otto Eduardo Fonseca Lobo

ISBN13: 9780779821303
Published: June 2009
Publisher: The Carswell Company Ltd.
Country of Publication: Canada
Format: Paperback
Price: £120.00

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Bankruptcy and insolvency is an area of law that is experiencing rapid growth and legislative change. More and more large bankruptcies and restructurings involve at least some partial cross-border issues and this is the first comprehensive analysis of world insolvency systems to date.

  • Provides a comparative study of 17 jurisdictions, each written by someone within the jurisdiction and includes their contact details as an addition resource for domestic practitioners
  • Covers topics such as the legislative process of bankruptcy law, the judicial recovery procedure, liability, ranking of creditors and shareholders and proposed reforms
  • Includes the information you need to deal with the international and cross-border implications of insolvency