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Migration, Work and Citizenship in the Enlarged European Union

ISBN13: 9780754673514
Published: December 2008
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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Drawing upon socio-legal research, this insightful book considers labour migration within the context of ('eastward') European Union enlargement. Specifically, this volume explores the legal rights of accession nationals to access employment, their experiences once in work and their engagement with broader family and social entitlement.

By combining analysis of the legal framework governing free movement-related rights with analysis of qualitative data gained from interviews with Polish migrants, this volume is able to speculate on the significance the status of Union citizenship holds for nationals of the recently-acceded CEE Member States. Citizenship is conceptualised not merely as rights but as a practice; a real 'lived' experience. The citizenship status of migrants from the CEE Member States is shaped by formal legal entitlement, law in action – as it is implemented by the Member States and 'accessed' by the migrants - and social and cultural perceptions and experiences 'on the ground'.