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Working Time: The Law and Practice

Edited by: John McMullen, Martin Brewer

ISBN13: 9780752005775
ISBN: 0752005774
Published: May 2001
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £517.00

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The Working Time legislation is seen by many as one of the key employment law issues of the last two years. The Directive is notable for the number and extent of the exceptions and derogations permitted, and it is this scope for interpretation that makes this legislation some of the most complex ever faced by UK employers. This book takes a problem-solving approach, offering suggested answers to some of the many questions arising from both the Regulations and the guidance issued by the DTI. * Provides practical and authoritative guidance on the complex regulations * Appendices include the Directive, Regulations, useful precedents and sample workplace agreements * Includes analysis of the first case law.

Employment Law
Introduction. Regulations - analysis, guidance and checklists re implementation of the key issues. Flexible working hours: contractual hours precedents. Models of working time and enforceability. Precedents. Appendix: the European Working Time Directive; the UK regulations.