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Strategic Legal Writing

ISBN13: 9780521703437
Published: April 2008
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.99

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Many legal writing texts emphasize how one writes; this book is unique because it also focuses on why one writes. Every chapter challenges the reader to write to achieve a strategic objective. Each assignment has been carefully considered by the authors, and fully vetted to simulate the decision-making involved in the preparation of important legal writing, whether in a general counsel's office, a law office, a government attorney's office, or a judge's chambers. Simply put, the authors' approach is that effective legal writing does not exist in a vacuum. This book provides practical assignments that teach the student that the best legal writing is not an end in itself, but a means to a larger strategic objective.

  • The use of legal writing as a means to achieve larger strategic objectives
  • Short, practical assignments that are similar to those a young lawyer is likely to encounter
  • Fact patterns that have been carefully crafted and fully vetted to allow for strategic choices about the most effective way to write

Drafting and Legal Writing
1. Prayer at the athletic banquet
2. How to draft a complaint
3. Terminating Professor Melton
4. How to draft a motion
5. Mr. Blaustein’s gift
6. How to respond to a motion
7. Counseling Dean Covelli
8. How to draft a judicial opinion
9. Advising Professor Melton
10. How to draft a motion for summary judgment.