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Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780521088756
ISBN: 0521088755
Previous Edition ISBN: 0521082536
Published: October 1972
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £61.99
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780521082532

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Jolowicz’s classic work traces the development of Roman Law historically from the earliest times until the age of Justinian. Private Law is treated at some length for the republican period, but for imperial times the emphasis is on constitutional law and the sources of law, together with the procedure and structure of the judicial system. There are also chapters on social conditions and on the general characteristics of classical and post-classical law.

This is a digitally printed paperback re-issue made available in October 2008

Roman Law and Greek Law
1. Periods in the history of Rome and in the history of her law
2. The republican constitution
3. Italy and the provinces during the republic
4. Social conditions and the different classes of the population during the republic
5. Sources of law in the republic
6. Law for foreigners, ius gentium and ius naturale
7. The XII Tables
8. The law of the family and of succession at the time of the XII Tables
9. Slavery and manumission at the time of the XII Tables
10. The law of property at the time of the XII Tables
11. The law of obligations at the time of the XII Tables
12. The law of procedure at the time of the XII Tables
13. Private law from the XII Tables to the fall of the republic: procedure
14. Private law from the XII Tables to the fall of the republic: the law of the family and of succession
15. Private law from the XII Tables to the fall of the republic: the law of slavery and manumission
16. Private law from the XII Tables to the fall of the republic: the law of property
17. Private law from the XII Tables to the fall of the republic: the law of obligations
18. Criminal law in the republic
19. The constitution under the principate
20. Classes of the population and the government of the cities under the principate
21. Sources of law in the principate
22. Legal science during the principate
23. Jurisdiction and procedure in the principate
24. General character of the classical law
25. The constitution under the Dominate
26. Procedure and jurisdiction in the Dominate
27. Sources from the end of the classical period to the accession of Justinian
28. The character of the law from the end of the classical period to the accession of Justinian
29. The legislation of Justinian
30. General character of Justinian’s law