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Asia-Pacific Constitutional Systems

Graham HassallLandegg International University, Switzerland, Cheryl SaundersUniversity of Melbourne

ISBN13: 9780521033411
Published: February 2007
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback reissue
Price: £36.99
Hardback edition price on application, ISBN13 9780521591294

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This book describes and critically analyses the formal constitutional changes that have taken place in the Asia-Pacific region, embracing the countries of East and South East Asia and Pacific Island states. In examining the variety amongst constitutional systems operating in the region, it asks several key questions: What constitutional arrangements operate in the region and how can their fundamental differences in structure and operation be explained? How do social, political and economic factors limit the effects of the constitution in place? What lessons exist for the practice of constitutionalism elsewhere? The aim of the book is to ground the idea of constitutionalism in local and global practices, and, through examining these practices, to identify significant challenges to the workings of contemporary constitutional orders.

Part I. Modernity and nation-states at the dawn of the global era: 1. Traditional states and colonisation; 2. The 'modern' constitution; 3. Writing the constitution
Part II. The constitution of modernity: 4. The legislature; 5. Representation; 6. Head of state; 7. Constitutional revision
Part III. Democracy and the rule of law: 8. Courts and the judiciary; 9. The suspension of constitutional power; 10. Devolution; Conclusions: Postmodernity and integrative constitutionalism.

Series: Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies

Asia-Pacific Constitutional Systems
Graham HassallLandegg International University, Switzerland, Cheryl SaundersUniversity of Melbourne
ISBN 9780521591294
Published July 2002
Cambridge University Press
Price on Application
The Politics of Justice and Human Rights: Southeast Asia and Universalist Theory
Anthony J. LangloisFlinders University of South Australia
ISBN 9780521807852
Published November 2001
Cambridge University Press
The Politics of Justice and Human Rights
Anthony J. LangloisFlinders University of South Australia
ISBN 9780521003476
Published August 2001
Cambridge University Press