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International Law from Below: Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance

Balakrishnan RajagopalMassachusetts Institute of Technology

ISBN13: 9780521016711
ISBN: 0521016711
Published: June 2003
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £44.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780521816465

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The emergence of transnational social movements as major actors in international politics - as witnessed in Seattle in 1999 and elsewhere - has sent shockwaves through the international system. Many questions have arisen about the legitimacy, coherence and efficiency of the international order in the light of the challenges posed by social movements. This ground-breaking book offers a fundamental critique of twentieth-century international law from the perspective of Third World social movements - the first ever to do so. It examines in detail the growth of two key components of modern international law - international institutions and human rights - in the context of changing historical patterns of Third World resistance. Using a historical and interdisciplinary approach, Rajagopal presents compelling evidence challenging current debates on the evolution of norms and institutions, the meaning and nature of the Third World as well as the political economy of its involvement in the international system.

Public International Law
Part I. International Law, Development and Third World Resistance:
1. Writing third world resistance into international law
2. International law and the development encounter
Part II. International Law, Third World Resistance and the Institutionalization of Development: the Invention of the Apparatus:
3. Laying the groundwork: the mandate system
4. Radicalizing institutions and/or institutionalizing radicalism? UNCTAD and the NIEO debate
5. From resistance to renewal: Bretton Woods institutions and the emergence of the 'new' development agenda
6. Completing a full circle: democracy and the discontent of development
Part III. Decolonizing Resistance: Human Rights and the Challenge of Social Movements:
7. Human rights and the third world: constituting the discourse of resistance
8. Recoding resistance: social movements and the challenge to international law
9. Markets, gender and identity: a case study of the Working Women's Forum as a social movement
Part IV. Epilogue.