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Althusser and Law

Edited by: Laurent Desutter

ISBN13: 9780415816045
Published: August 2014
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2013)
Price: £53.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415517188

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Althusser & Law is the first book specifically dedicated to the place of law in Louis Althusser's philosophy. The growing importance of Althusser's philosophy in contemporary debates on the left has - for practical and political, as well theoretical reasons - made a sustained consideration of his conception of law more necessary than ever. As a form of what Althusser called 'Ideological State Apparatuses', law is at the forefront of political struggles: from the destruction of Labour Law to the exploitation of Patent Law; from the privatisation of Public Law to the ongoing hegemony of Commercial Law; and from the discourse on Human Rights to the practice of judicial courts. Is Althusser still useful in helping us to understand these struggles? Does he have something to teach us about how law is produced, and how it is used and misused? This collection demonstrates that Althusser's ideas about law are more important, and more contemporary, than ever. Indeed, the contributors to Althusser and Law argue that Althusser offers a new and invaluable perspective on the place of law in contemporary life.

Laurent de Sutter, Introduction
Adam Geary, The 'New Althusser' and Hot Money: Law, Regulation and Capital
Peter Goodrich, Althusser's Fate: Jurisprudence without Law
Warren Montag, Althusser: Law and the Supplement of Violence
Luke Ferretter, From 'Suppression of Vice' to 'Defense of Marriage' and Beyond: The Ideological Trajectory of Gay Rights Legislation
William S. Lewis, Althusser on Laws Natural and Juridical
David Marrani, Althusser in Avatar: Comparative law as a Science and the Haunting of the Subject
Nina Power, Political Science and the Image of Man: Althusser's Critique of Law
Dimitra Panopoulos, On the Secularization of Law
Kyle McGee, 'L'esprit' before 'les lois': On the vicissitudes of materialist historiography
Akbar Rasulov, Reading the Law Immanently: Theorizing the Specific Effectivity of the Legal Instance
Ozren Pupovac, Subject-Fetish: Althusser, Pashukanis and the Critique of Law
Juan Domingo Sanchez Estop, Althusser's paradoxical legal exceptionalism as a materialist critic of Schmitt's decisionism
David McInerney, The Politics and History of Despotism: William Robertson, James Mill, and the judicial non-pouvoir of Althusser's 'Montesquieu: la politique et l'histoire'
Yoshiyuki Sato, Law and Ideological State Apparatuses