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Animals, Welfare and the Law: Fundamental Principles for Critical Assessment

ISBN13: 9780415535625
Published: July 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £175.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780415535632

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In this objective, practical and authoritative introduction to animal law, the author examines the foundational concepts of the human-animal relationship and how those principles have, or have not, been translated into contemporary animal welfare law. It describes the various uses of animals in society, the practical relevance of animal health and welfare to activities of professionals, and animal welfare in the context of global issues including climate change, disease control, food safety and food supply.

Relevant to companion, farm, captive (zoo and laboratory) and wild animals, the book has international application in countries with both established and developing legislation. It focuses on the issues and principles, referencing contemporary animal welfare law to provide a global benchmark. The author acknowledges the diversity of views regarding animals as individual beings and beloved pets, to pure commodities. Yet animals need to be treated as one stakeholder, along with other interests, under the law. Based on successful courses run by the author, the book combines science and ethics to provide an accessible introduction to the key principles of animal law and welfare.

Animal Law
1. Introduction
2. Historical Development of Animals in the Law
3. What Contemporary Animal Law Says About the Human-Animal Relationship
4. Critically Assessing the Uses of Animals
5. International Animal Law
6. Animal Welfare in the Context of the Big Picture
7. Animal Welfare for Professionals
8. Animal Law in Practice