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AS Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780415458528
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781845680329
Published: July 2008
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: £36.99

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Written for sixth form and college students, AS Law covers the content of AS Law for AQA and OCR students in a lively and reader-friendly style. Topics are broken down into manageable parts, with clear headings and are illustrated throughout with photographs, diagrams, boxes and illustrations.

Each chapter includes:

  • an introduction outlining learning objectives relating to the subject specifications
  • 'developing the subject' sections explaining a particularly important or difficult point in more detail, designed to challenge more able students
  • a list of useful websites enabling students to access primary law materials intended to support chapter-by-chapter reading
  • 'it's a fact!' sections highlighting interesting and contemporary applications of the legal principle under discussion
  • dedicated sections providing detailed examination of key cases, within the context of the chapter discussion
  • hints and tips for revision topics and strategies helping students to prepare for the types of questions that are most likely to come up in exams

The book contains a wealth of opportunities to test and apply knowledge, with revision quizzes, quick tests and sample questions and answers within each chapter and there are additional opportunities for self-testing and revision available via the Companion Website.

This third edition has been revised and updated to take into account the new 2008 AQA specifications and contains a new chapter on contract liabilities, as well as expanded material on sentencing and court procedures. It also addresses recent legal developments such as the establishment of the Ministry of Justice, changes in the legal profession and the constitution, and the reform of the House of Lords.

AS Law provides a stimulating and exciting approach to the subject, profiling famous legal figures and examining law in films, fiction, non-fiction and on the internet whilst offering comprehensive coverage of the AQA and OCR subject specifications fulfilling all syllabus requirements.

English Legal System
Legislation and the British Constitution
Delegated Legislation
Statutory Interpretation
The Doctrine of Judicial Precedent
European Community Law
The Courts Structure and Civil and Criminal Process
Alternative to Courts
Lay Persons in the English Legal System
The Legal Profession
Access to Justice
Introduction to Criminal Liability
Introduction to Tort Liability
Introduction to Contract Liability
Sanctions and Remedies
Experiencing the Law