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The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780415141253
ISBN: 0415141257
Published: November 2000
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: Hardback
Price: £300.00

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+ £196.36 VAT

The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century surveys the history of treaty-making throughout the twentieth century. It accessibly provides the texts of all the major treaties that either continue in force today, or are of historical importance. These treaties are essential for an understanding of recent history and analysis of current international relations. The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century is truly global in scope and covers treaties of all aspects, from political and economic agreements to environmental and human rights pacts. From the great many treaties set out and discussed, examples include: * the Treaty of Versailles, 1919 * the Pact of Steel, 1939 * the Charter of the United Nations, 1945 * the North Atlantic Treaty, 1949 * the Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, 1990 * the Belfast Agreement, 1998 * the Charter of the Organisation of African Unity, 1963 * the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.;Drawing on the previous volumes of their books on major international treaties, the authors bring the picture up to date in this definitive work with the events of the 1980s and the 1990s, many of which have rendered earlier treaties redundant. This is an invaluable resource for all those interested in modern history, politics and international relations.

Introduction: International Treaties; 1. The Changing Alliances and Alignments before World War I; 2. Secret Agreements and Treaties of World War I; 3. The Peace Settlements 1919-23; 4. France, Britain, Italy and Germany 1921-33; 5. France and her Eastern Allies, 1921-39; 6. The Soviet Union and her Neighbours; 7. The Collapse of the Terrritorial Settlements of Versailles, 1931-7; 8. From Peace to World War in Europe and Asia, 1937-41; 9. The Grand Alliance, 1941-5; 10. The Wartime Conferences and the Surrender of Japan, 1943-5; 11. The Peace Treaties, 1945-51; 12. The United Nations; 13. The United States Treaty System; 14. The Soviet Treaty System; 15. The German Question; 16. The Irish Question, 1920-1999; 17. European Integration, 1947-85; 18. European Union, 1985-99; 19. Asia after 1947; 20. Independent Africa; 21 The Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean since 1945; 22. The Americas, 1960-99; 23 Detente and Arms Control, 1963-86; 24. Human Rights; 25. The Environment; 26. The Break-Up of the Soviet Empire; 27. The Disintegration of Yugoslavia; 28. New World Order, 1986-99.