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Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice 14th ed

ISBN13: 9780414120044
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414077041
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £45.95

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Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice applies a practical approach to the subject of will drafting, probate and taxation. The work deals comprehensively with the substantive law as well as practice and procedure, encompassing all the latest developments and case law, and using worked examples to present a clear, practical picture of the operation of the law. This approach will appeal to those new to the subject and those looking for guidance and clarification.

Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice provides invaluable guidance for students as well as those who are new to practice.

New to this edition:

  • Recent decisions on testamentary capacity
  • Changes to the treatment of low income estates and trusts
  • The implications of the Trust Register for non-taxable trusts
  • Changes to probate procedure and the possibility of getting a grant on credit
  • Recent decisions on Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975

The print version includes access to the ebook version on ProView. Details of how to redeem ProView eBook access are included within the printed book.

Wills and Probate
1. Introduction: what to do after death
2. Is there a valid will?
3. Intestacy
4. Inheritance tax
5. Capital gains tax
6. Income tax
7. Taxation of trusts and settlements
8. Grants
9. Probate jurisdiction
10. Obtaining the grant (non-contentious cases)
11. Powers and duties of personal representatives
12. Practical considerations during administration
13. Duties of solicitors
14. Protection of personal representatives
15. The payment of debts
16. Legacies and devises
17. Construction of wills
18. Completing the administration
19. Post-mortem alterations
20. Inheritance (provision for family and dependants) act 1975
21. Disposing of property otherwise than by will
22. Planning and drafting a will
APPENDIX: Checklist for taking instructions