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ProView - Heywood and Massey: Court of Protection Practice, 3 users (Subscription)

Edited by: David Rees

ISBN13: 9780414094185
ISBN: 0414094182
Published: December 2001
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook
Price: £808.08
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £808.08
Overseas Renewal Price: £808.08

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Also available as

Heywood & Massey is the authoritative work on the practice and procedure of the Court of Protection. It provides analysis of developments in practice, detailing the options relating to the management of the estate and interests of a client who lacks mental capacity.

In a new looseleaf format, Heywood & Massey is equipped to respond to this rapidly changing and expanding area of law. Key features include:

  • All aspects to administering a patient's affairs
  • Expanded treatment of Enduring Powers of Attorney and Statutory Wills
  • Detailed analysis of issues surrounding capacity
  • Personal injury and older client issues
  • Forms, precedents and cases.

Subscription Information: 2 updating releases per year. The first year's updating issues are supplied as part of the initial purchase price. Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating. Any time start annual subscription for this title. We will contact you before renewal each year to ascertain whether you wish to renew your subscription.

eBooks, Looseleaf Work, Courts and Procedure
The Court of Protection: General
Mental incapacity
First appointment of a receiver.
Receivership after First General Order.
Enduring powers of attorney.
Enduring powers after registration.
Administration of the patient's affairs.
Settlement and gifts.
The patient: as trustee
as executor and administrator
as litigant.
Disputes about the patient's interests.
Digest of cases.