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EU State Aids 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780414080553
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414055704
Published: April 2021
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £389.00

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EU State Aids examines the substantive and procedural aspects of state aid law and policy, analysing the underlying rules in depth and how they have been applied by the Commission and the courts. With a new author team, EU State Aids is firmly established as an invaluable resource to all those involved in advising or litigating matters of state aid, from lawmakers to regulators, lawyers, economists and courts.

With extensive COVID-19 commentary throughout, the 6th edition reviews the impact of newly adopted measures such as the updated Recovery Notice 2019 and the Commissions “fitness check”. It provides a dedicated chapter on the Temporary Framework and other measures to deal with the COVID crisis along with a detailed analysis of the latest tax ruling case law. Extensive updates reflect revisions to Commission regulations and guidelines along with the latest key decisions and CJEU rulings.

Key Features:

  • Provides an invaluable resource to all those involved in advising or litigating matters of state aid, from lawmakers to regulators, lawyers, economists and courts.
  • Explains the European Commission’s considerable powers to monitor, control and restrict the forms and levels of aid given by all EU member states to their industries
  • Covers the aviation, sports and broadband sectors in new dedicated chapters
  • Examines State aid in specific sectors, including the financial sector, agriculture, large investment projects, transport and broadcasting
  • Discusses the economic aspects concerning State aid such as the market investor principle
  • Outlines the administrative procedure for examining State aid
  • Sets out the procedures for illegal state aid complaints
  • Includes summaries of all cases by the General Court and the Court of Justice
  • Lists all relevant rules, regulations, notices and guidance notes, with references to full texts

Competition Law, EU Law