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Law, Labour and the Humanities: Contemporary European Perspectives

Edited by: Tiziano Toracca, Angela Condello

ISBN13: 9780367077174
Published: October 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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The ontology of work and the economics of value underpin the legal institution, with the existence of modern law predicated upon the subject as labourer.

In contemporary Europe, labour is more than a mere economic relationship. Indeed, labour occupies a central position in human existence: since the industrial revolution, it has been the principal criterion of reciprocal recognition and of universal mobilization. This multi-disciplinary volume analyses labour and its depictions in their interaction with the latest legal, socio-economic and political tendencies. Addressing such issues as deregulation, flexibility, de-industrialization, the pervasive enlargement of markets, digitization and virtual relationships, social polarisation and migratory fluxes, this volume engage the existential role played by labour in our lives at the conjunction of law and the humanities.

This book will be of interest to law students, legal philosophers, theoretical philosophers, political philosophers, social and political theorists, labour studies scholars, literature and film scholars.

Employment Law
Angela Condello, Tiziano Toracca: I work, therefore I am?

Part I: Law and Philosophy
Acosta Emiliano: Migrants, Marx, Descartes, Fichte and Hegel: On Working and Being
Andina Tiziana: Work, Pensions and Transgenerational Justice
Condello Angela: The Disclosure of Humanity: Challenges of the Digital Turn
De Vos Marc: How the future of work can work for the workers
Eleveld Anja: Europe and the Construction of a Worker Mentality: Human Rights as an Instrument of Neoliberal Government? The Case of Dutch Labour Activation Programmes for Welfare Recipients
Ferraris Maurizio: From Capital to Documediality
Mason Luke: On working and being: the legal metaphysics of labour and the constitutional errors of Social Europe
Tataryn Anastasia: Irregular Migrants at Work and the Groundless Legal Subject
Terrone Enrico: The Ontology of Labor
Van de Vijver Gertrudis: Objectivity, repetition, and the search for satisfaction

Part II: Literature and Cinema
Ayers David: From Text to Work: or, Operation Without Production
Baghetti Carlo: Works by Vitaliano Trevisan and the Representation of Work in the Neo-Liberal Age
Baracco Alberto: I Can Quit Whenever I Want. The Academic Precariat in Italian Cinema
Contarini Silvia: The refusal of the work in the Italian Literature: from Vogliamo tutto (1971) to Works (2016)
Jansen Monica: Labour and identity in documentary web series on new Italian emigrants
Marks John: Deux jours, une nuit and La loi du marché: the tactical withdrawal of government and capital
Santi Mara: When The Flash said: "We were all struck by that lightning". Work and the Contemporary Superhero TV-Shows
Shiach Morag: A new name and a new job, that’s what he’d like’ Identity, Labour and Precarity, 1915-2015
Toracca Tiziano: In the name of a loss: work and the contradictions of contemporary literary imaginary