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Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England Volume 2: Of the Rights of Things

ISBN13: 9780226055411
ISBN: 0226055418
Published: November 1979
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £45.00

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A Facsimile of the First Edition of 1765 - 1769, with an introduction by A.W. Brian Simpson

Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-69) stands as the first great effort to reduce the English common law to a unified and rational system. Blackstone demonstrated that the English law as a system of justice was comparable to Roman law and the civil law of the Continent.

Clearly and elegantly written, the work achieved immediate renown and exerted a powerful influence on legal education in England and in America which was to last into the late nineteenth century. The book is regarded not only as a legal classic but as a literary masterpiece.

Previously available only in an expensive hardcover set, Commentaries on the Laws of England is published here in four separate volumes, each one affordably priced in a paperback edition. These works are facsimiles of the eighteenth-century first edition and are undistorted by later interpolations. Each volume deals with a particular field of law and carries with it an introduction by a leading contemporary scholar.

Introducing this second volume, Of the Rights of Things A.W. Simpson discusses the history of Blackstone's theory of various aspects of property rights-real property, feudalism, estates, titles, personal property and contracrs - and the work of his predecessors.

Legal History
Book 2: Rights of Things
1: Of Property in General
2: Of Real Propety and, First, of Corporeal Hereditaments
3: Incorporeal Hereditaments
4: Of the Feudal System
5: Of the Ancient English Tenures
6: Of the Modern English Tenures
7: Of Freehold Estates, of Inheritance
8: Of Freeholds, Not of Inheritance
9: Of Estates Less than Freehold
10: Of Estates Upon Condition
11: Of Estates in Possession, Remainder, and Reversion
12: Of Estates in Severalty, Joint-Tenancy, Coparcenary, and Common
13: Of the Title to Things Real in General
14: Of Title by Descent
15: Of Title by Purchase, and First by Escheat
16: Of Title by Occupancy
17: Of Title by Prescription
18: Of Title by Forfeiture
19: Of Title by Alienation
20: Of Alienation by Deed
21: Of Alienation by Matter of Record
22: Of Alienation by Special Custom
23: Of Alienation by Devise
24: Of Things Personal
25: Of Property in Things Personal
26: Of Title to Things Personal by Occupancy
27: Of Title by Prerogative, and Forfeiture
28: Of Title by Custom
29: Of Title by Succession, Marriage, and Judgment
30: Of Title by Gift, Grant, and Contract
31: Of Title by Bankruptcy
32: Of Title by Testament, and Administration
Appendix ;