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Energy Networks and the Law: Innovative Solutions in Changing Markets

Edited by: Martha Roggenkamp, Lila Barrera-Hernadez, Donald Zillman, Inigo del Guayo

ISBN13: 9780199645039
Published: February 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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Networks like cables and pipelines are essential for a functioning energy market. This book provides a clear and insightful overview of the legal challenges this poses in the modern world.

The construction and use of these networks depends on developments in technology, policies, and legal regulation. Recently, the energy sector has been faced with considerable challenges and changes. Energy liberalisation and deregulation, and the fact that traditional energy supplies like fossil fuels and large hydro plants are increasingly located far from the area of demand has drastically changed the energy landscape. The need for new sources of energy supply can therefore be found all over the world.

This book investigates the challenges that face governments engaged in this renewal, particularly since in many cases these networks are, by necessity, international. The construction of new networks always involves the application of planning and environmental laws, and the complications these pose only increase as networks pass through the territory of several different countries. This book analyzes the evolution of this area from several angles, both geographical and legal.

The authors combine knowledge and expertise from a variety of sources and backgrounds to present an invaluable overview of the regulatory developments and perspectives that shape the legal frameworks in which governments develop these networks, and the way in which account must be taken of new sources of energy by law-makers.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Part I: Cross-border Energy Infrastructure and Supply Security
1: Catherine Redgwell: Contractual and Treaty Arrangements supporting Trans-boundary Networks
2: Lila Barrera-Hernández: The Role of Regional Agreements in Energy Interconnection in South America
3: Alastair Lucas: Federalist Function in the Development of Modern Energy Infrastructure
4: Jose Juan Gonzalez: Law and Regulation governing Energy Networks in Mexico and Central America
5: Mohamed Bekheshi: The Chad-Cameroon Pipeline
6: Martha Roggenkamp: Protecting Infrastructure in order to Guarantee Supply Security: Critical Infrastructure in the EU

Part II: New Energy Sources and New Ways of Network Management
7: Olivia Woolley and Peter Schaumberg: The Development of Electricity Grids Offshore
8: Nigel Bankes: Developing CO2 Infrastructure
9: Wang Mingyuan: The Role of Energy Networks in Developing Renewable Energy Sources in China
10: Anita Rønne: The Development of an Intelligent Energy System
11: Lee Paddock: Demand Side Management, Technology, and Infrastructure Development in the United States
12: Ulf Hammer: The Role of Energy Networks in Facilitating the Production and Use of Renewable Energy Sources in a Liberalized Market

Part III: Market Liberalization and Challenges for Network Investments and Planning
13: Iñigo Del Guayo: Electricity and Gas Infrastructure Planning in the European Union
14: Gunther Kühne: Regulating the Extension of Electricity Networks - a Germany Perspective
15: Aileen McHarg: Balancing Network Regulation and Grid Investments in the UK
16: Tjarda van de Vijver: Exemptions to the Rules on Third Party Access in the EU as a Tool to Guarantee Network Investments
17: Yanko Marcius de Alencar Xavier: The Regulation of Third Party Access in Brazil as an Instrument to Develop Pipelines in the Natural Gas Sector
18: Lee Godden and Anne Kallies: Transmission Network Development: New Challenges for Australia
19: Barry Barton: Law and Regulation for the Energy Networks in New Zealand
20: Sergey Seliverstov and Ivan V. Gudkov: Land Use and the Development of Electricity and Gas Networks in Russia;