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Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin

Edited by: Salman Khurshid, Lokendra Malik, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco

ISBN13: 9780199484171
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press India
Country of Publication: India
Format: Hardback
Price: £50.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Well-known for his contribution to the juristic world, Professor Ronald Dworkin was an outstanding legal philosopher of his generation. This volume celebrates the thoughts of Ronald Dworkin on dignity.

The contributors have critically engaged with different perspectives of Dworkin's thoughts on dignity. The aim is to shed light on juridical and moral contemporary conundrums such as the role of dignity in constitutional contexts in India, and the understanding of dignity as either a foundation of human rights or as a supra value that illuminates other values and rights.

The volume is divided into four parts. The first part 'Integrity, Values, Interpretation, and Objectivity' focuses on Dworkin's interpretive methodology and examines the way his value holism relies on his interpretative methodology.

The second part 'Dignity, Responsibility, and Free Will' concentrates on elucidating the complex relationship between dignity, human will, and responsibility in Dworkin's moral, legal, and political philosophy. In the third part 'Freedom of Speech, Right to Privacy, and Rights', the authors use Dworkin's philosophical moral framework and the interpretative methodology to shed light on his own views on freedom of speech and the language of rights, including human rights.

The fourth part 'Dignity, Constitutions, and Legal Systems' critically discusses Dworkin's interpretative methodology to understand dignity in the context of constitutions, state, and law beyond the state. With contributions from eminent scholars across the world, the present volume will help in disseminating Dworkin's rich jurisprudential thoughts.

Foreword by John Finnis
introduction by Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco's

Part I Integrity, Values , Interpretation, and Objectivity
Ronald Dworkin: Life and Works
Lokendra Malik
Integrity and Truth in Law's Empire
Jonathan Crowe
Dworkin's Perfectionism
James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain
Interpretation in Normative Domains
Alexander Brown
Justice, Integrity, and the Common Law
Trevor R.S. Allan
Taking (Human) Dignity and Rights Seriously: The Integrated Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin
Imer Flores
Are There Any Interpretative Concepts?
Pritam Baruah

Part II Dignity, Responsibility, and Free Will
Interpreting Human Dignity
Allen W. Wood
Dworkin's Dignity Under the Lens of the Magician of Kö¶nisberg
Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco
Does Dignity Help in Thinking about Paternalism
Barbara Baum Levenbook
Dignity, Rights, and Virtues in the Department of Values
Isabel Trujillo

Part III Freedom of Speech, Right to Privacy, and Human Rights
Dignity and Free Speech
David Richards
Ronald Dworkin and Free Speech
James Allan
Exit Hercules: Ronald Dworkin and the Crisis of the Age of Rights
Lorenzo Zucca

Part IV Dignity, Constitutions, and Legal Systems
Revamping Associative Obligations
George Pavlakos
Dworkinian Dignity: Rights and Responsibilities of a Life Well Lived
Erin Daly
Ronald Dworkin's Judge: Philosopher Master of Rights
Salman Khurshid
A Dworkinian Reading of the Indian Constitution
Suhrith Parthasarathy
A Dworkinian Right to Privacy in New Zealand
Mark Bennett and Petra Butler
afterword byJustice A.K. Sikri

About the Editors and Contributors