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Properties of Law: Essays in Honour of Jim Harris

Edited by: Timothy Getzler Joshua Endicott, Peel Edwin

ISBN13: 9780199290963
ISBN: 0199290962
Published: February 2006
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £137.50

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The late Jim Harris' theory of the science of law, and his theoretical work on human rights and property, have been a challenge and stimulus to legal scholars for the past twenty-five years. This collection of essays, originally conceived as a festschrift and now offered to the memory of a greatly admired scholar, assesses Harris' contribution across many fields of law and legal philosophy.

The chapters are written by some of the foremost specialists writing today, and reflect the wide range of Harris's work, and the depth of his influence on legal studies. They include contributions on topics as diverse as the nature of law and legal reasoning, rival theories of property rights and their impact on practical questions before the courts; the nature of precedent in legal argument; and the evolving concept of human rights and its place in legal discourse.

With a foreword by the Honourable Justice Edwin Cameron, this volume celebrates the life and work of Jim Harris

  • includes contributions from many diverse fields of law and legal philosophy
  • The chapters are written by some of the foremost specialists in their areas of contribution

Honourable Justice Edwin Cameron: Foreword
Legal Theory
1. Stanley Paulson: J.W. Harris's Kelsen
2. Julie Dickson: Interpreting Normativity
3. Brian Bix: Reductionism and Explanation in Legal Theory
4. Jes Bjarup: Scepticism and Scandinavian Legal Realists
5. Jeremy Horder: Precedent, Morality and Judicial Discretion in Statutory Interpretation
6. Richard Epstein: Weak and Strong Conceptions of Property
7. Tony Honoré: Property And Ownership
8. David Lametti: The Morality of James Harris's Theory of Property
9. James Penner: Ownership, Co-ownership, and the Justification of Property Rights
10. Stephen Munzer: Plants, Torts, and Intellectual Property
11. Edwin Peel: The Legacy of Penn v. Lord Baltimore
12. Joshua Getzler: Property, Personality, and Violence
13. Isabelle Rorive: Towards Principles of Overruling in a Civil Law Supreme Court
14. Lionel Smith: The Rationality of Tradition
Human Rights
15. Hugh Corder: Judging Rights in a Democratic South Africa
16. John Eekelaar: Invoking Human Rights
17. Timothy Endicott: The Infant in the Snow
18. Bernard Rudden: Matter Matters
Bibliography of the Works of Jim Harris