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Principles of Mental Health Law and Policy

Edited by: Lawrence Gostin, peter Bartlett, Phil Fennell, Jean McHale, Ronnie Mackay

ISBN13: 9780199279364
Published: March 2010
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £450.00

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Principles of Mental Health Law provides a comprehensive account of the law concerning mental health in England and Wales.

From the historical backdrop to the current law in the area it provides detailed examination of the Mental Health Act 1983 and the changes introduced by the new Mental Health Act 2007. The regulation of care and treatment in hospital and the community is explored.

The book also goes beyond the legislation to explore the legal and regulatory challenges in the area of mental health in a range of areas from confidentiality and privacy to causation and limitation. The chapters are written by leading national and international authorities in the area of mental health.

Mental Health Law
1. History and Context of Mental Health Law and Policy
1: Peter Bartlett and Philip Fennell: History, Policy and Regulation
2: Philip Fennell: Mental Disorder
3: Lance Gable and Lawrence Gostin: Human Rights
4: Peter Bartlett, Philip Fennell and Jean McHale: Capacity
2. The Mental Health System: Advocacy, Services and Accountability
5: Jean McHale: The Legal Regulation of Mental Health Services in the NHS
6: Jean McHale: Scrutiny of Standards in Mental Health Services
7: Luke Clements: Social Services
8: Nicola Glover-Thomas and Judith Laing: Mental Health Professionals
9: Kirsty Keywood: Nominated Person/Advocates
10: Jonathan Herring: Carers
11: Philip Fennell: Tribunal Structure
3. Care and Civil Compulsion: Assessment, Supervision and Treatment
12: Peter Bartlett: Informal Admission
13: Peter Bartlett: Civil Confinement
14: Nell Munro: Treatment
15: John Dawson: Supervised Community Treatment Orders
16: Philip Fennell: Discharge from Hospital
17: Philip Fennell: Removal and Return of Patients and Repatriation of Prisoners
18: Ralph Sandland: Children
4. The Criminal Justice System
19: Philip Fennell: Powers of the Police and the Decision to Prosecute
20: Ronnie Mackay: Mental Disability at the Time of the Offence
21: Ronnie Mackay: Mental Disability at the Time of the Trial
22: Philip Fennell: Mental Disability and the Sentencing Decision
23: Ronnie Mackay: Transfer to Hospital
5. Patient Protection, Rights and Disabilities
24: Jean McHale: Privacy
25: Philip Fennell: Rights and Disabilities of Patients
26: Jean McHale: Mental Health, Mental Capacity and Research
27: Philip Fennell and Lawrence Gostin: Disability Discrimination
28: Philip Fennell: Offences