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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Cassese's International Law 3rd ed isbn 9780199231287

International Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199259397
ISBN: 0199259399
New Edition ISBN: 9780199231287
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198299982
Published: December 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This new edition of Cassese's International Law provides a stimulating and authoritative account of international law for undergraduates and postgraduates.;It has been fully revised and updated to include all recent developments in the subject, and contains a new chapter on terrorism as well as extensive revision of the section on state responsibility.

Providing a comprehensive commentary on international law as a whole, it compares the traditional legal position with the developing and evolving law in a way that is sensitive to political and economic considerations, as well as including detailed yet accessible examinations of State Responsibility and International Criminal Law.

Professor Cassese is a leading figure in the field, and this new edition takes full advantage of his extensive experience to provide a more personal approach to the subject than is typically found in the standard textbook, acting as good intellectual exercise for the stronger student.

Public International Law
PART I ORIGINS AND FOUNDATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY; 1 The Main Legal Features of the International Community; 2 The Historical Evolution of the International Community; 3 The Fundamental Principles Governing International Relations
PART II SUBJECTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY; 4 States as the Primary Subjects of International Law; 5 The Spatial Dimension of State Activities; 6 Limitations on State Sovereignty: Immunities of Foreign States and State Organs, and Treatment of Foreigners and Individuals; 7 Other International Legal Subjects
PART III CREATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STANDARDS; 8 International Lawmaking: Custom; 9 Treaties; 10 Other Lawmaking Processes; 11 The Hierarchy of International Rules: The Role of Jus Cogens; 12 Implementation of International Rules within National Systems
PART IV BREACHES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES; 13 International Wrongful Acts and the Legal Reaction Thereto; 14 Mechanisms for Promoting Compliance with Law and Preventing or Settling Disputes; 15 Enforcement
PART V CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL LAW; 16 The Role of the United Nations; 17 UN Sanctions and the Multilateral Use of Force; 18 Unilateral Resort to Force by States; 19 The Protection of Human Rights; 20 Legal Restraints on Violence in Armed Conflict; 21 The Repression of International Crimes; 22 The International Response to Terrorism; 23 The Protection of the Environment; 24 Legal Attempts at Narrowing the North-South Gap