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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
International Law 2nd ed isbn 9780199259397

International Law

Antonio CasseseProfessor of International Law, University of Florence, Italy

ISBN13: 9780198299981
ISBN: 0198299982
New Edition ISBN: 0199259399
Published: July 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

As the former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and a world-leading academic, Professor Cassese brings unrivalled experience and expertise to the study of International Law. This is the ideal text for all students, providing a clear and concise background to the history of international law and exploring the latest developments in the field. The book is written to a good length - covering all topics in sufficient depth for contemporary courses and avoiding superfluous detail. Professor Cassese explores the dynamics of international law, and looks at sociological approaches to the subject as well as paying full attention to traditional and more legalistic approaches. In a thorough treatment of the subject, he shows when certain legal institutions have come into being in the world community, analysing their origins and the rationale behind them. He explores why they have been created, what function they were intended to fulfil, and assesses how they have actually performed. COMPANION WEBSITE: A key feature is the companion website, specially created to work alongside the text. Key documents, case material, principal treaties and agreements cit

ORIGIN AND FOUNDATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY; 1. The Main Legal Features of the International Community; 2. The Historical Evolution of the International Community; 3. States as the Primary Subjects of International Law; 4. Other International Legal Subjects; 5. The Fundamental Principles Governing International Relations; CREATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STANDARDS; 6. International Lawmaking: Custom and Treaties; 7. International Lawmaking: Other Law-Creating Processes; 8. Implementation of International Rules within National Systems; 9. State Responsibility; 10. Mechanisms for Promoting Compliance with Law and Pursuing the Prevention and Settlement of Disputes; 11. Enforcement in the Case of Violations by States; 12. Enforcement in the Case of Violations by Individuals; CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL LAW; 13. The Role of the United Nations; 14. Collective Security and the Prohibition of Force; 15. Legal Restraints on Violence in Armed Conflict; 16. Protection of Human Rights; 17. Protection of the Environment; 18. Legal Attempts at Narrowing the Gap between North and South