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Contemporary Perspectives on Property, Equity and Trust Law

ISBN13: 9780199219841
Published: November 2007
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £120.00

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This work counters the common perception that equity and trusts is a static area of law. The essays, written by leading academics and well established practitioners of the field, demonstrate both that the area is vibrant with new legislation and case law and show the value of reconsidering familiar topics in the light of new developments.

The scope of the book is wide ranging, covering equity, trusts and property and is divided into two main sections: the law of real property, and the law of equity and trusts. In Part One, a variety of topics surrounding the law of real property are discussed: from unconscionability, and the protection of third party interests, to property, marriage and ownership, and the impact of equality law on landlord and tenant regulations. Part Two focuses on the regulation of trusts and trustees and the impact of new legislation on charities such as hospitals and schools

  • Incisive analysis of recent developments such as public benefit and charities, such as hospitals and schools; equality law; the regulation of trustees; landlords and tenants; and joint ownership of property
  • Written by leading academics and practitioners in the field of trusts and equity
  • Contains in depth and up to date commentary of recent legislation such as The Charities Act 2006 and The Disability Discrimination Act 2005
  • Covers a wide range of topics within land, property law and trust law, serving the needs of both practitioners and academics
  • Discusses the major areas of debate within the area of trusts and equity in one concise, readable volume