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Competition Law 11th ed

ISBN13: 9780198906032
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198836322
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £49.99

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An unparalleled guide: the definitive resource on competition law.

Definitive, clear, and comprehensive: Whish and Bailey's Competition Law is the stand-alone resource on competition law for students and practitioners, written by the leading academics in the field. An authoritative treatment of competition law is paired with an easy-to-follow writing style to make this guide essential reading.

Key features:

  • Written by leading academics in the field, offering a wealth of experience to make this the definitive textbook on competition law
  • An easy-to-follow writing style, bringing competition law to life for students of all levels
  • Assimilates a wide variety of resources, including judgments, decisions, guidelines, and periodical literature
  • Regularly used in universities, law firms, economic consultancies, competition authorities and courts

New to this edition:

  • Coverage of the new block exemptions and guidelines for vertical agreements, both in the EU and the UK
  • Coverage of the new block exemptions and guidelines for horizontal cooperation agreements, both in the EU and the UK
  • Reference to other initiatives such as the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation and the UK National Security and Investment Act
  • Discussions of the latest position on digital platforms and the legislative changes made to address this, both in the EU and the UK
  • Coverage of important policy initiatives, including the sustainability agenda and the Commission's review of Article 102

Digital formats:

The tenth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support: www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/ebooks

Competition Law
1:Competition policy and economics
2:Overview of EU and UK competition law
3:Article 101 (1)
4:Article 101 (3)
5:Article 102
6:The obligations of Member States under the EU competition rules
7:Articles 101 and 102 - public enforcement by the European Commission and national competition authorities under Regulation 1/2003
8:Articles 101 and 102 - private enforcement in the courts of Member States
9:Competition Act 1998 - substantive provisions
10:Competition Act 1998 and the cartel offence - public enforcement and procedure
11:Enterprise Act 2002 - market studies and market investigations
12:The international dimension of competition law
13:Horizontal agreements (1) - cartels
14:Horizontal agreements (2) - oligopoly, tacit collusion, and collective dominance
15:Horizontal agreements (3) - cooperation agreements
16:Vertical agreements
17:Abuse of dominance (1) - non-pricing practices
18:Abuse of dominance (2) - pricing practices
19:The relationship between intellectual property rights and competition law
20:Mergers (1) - introduction
21:Mergers (2) - EU law
22:Mergers (3) - UK
23:Particular sectors
24:Overview of EU and UK competition law