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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Competition Law 11th ed isbn 9780198906032

Competition Law 10th ed

ISBN13: 9780198836322
New Edition ISBN: 9780198906032
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198779063
Published: September 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Whish and Bailey's Competition Law is the definitive textbook on this subject. An authoritative treatment of competition law is paired with an easy-to-follow writing style to make this comprehensive guide essential reading for law students, practitioners, and officials. The authors explain the purpose of competition policy, introduce the reader to key concepts and techniques in competition law, and provide insights into the numerous issues that arise when analysing market behaviour. Describing the law in its economic and market context, they particularly consider the competition law implications of business phenomena such as distribution agreements, licences of intellectual property rights, cartels, joint ventures, and mergers. The book assimilates a wide variety of resources, including judgments, decisions, guidelines, and periodical literature. This definitive guide to competition law is regularly used in universities, law firms, economic consultancies, competition authorities and courts.

Competition Law
1:Competition policy and economics
2:Overview of EU and UK competition law
3:Article 101 (1)
4:Article 101 (3)
5:Article 102
6:The obligations of Member States under the EU competition rules
7:Articles 101 and 102 - public enforcement by the European Commission and national competition authorities under Regulation 1/2003
8:Articles 101 and 102 - private enforcement in the courts of Member States
9:Competition Act 1998 - substantive provisions
10:Competition Act 1998 and the cartel offence - public enforcement and procedure
11:Enterprise Act 2002 - market studies and market investigations
12:The international dimension of competition law
13:Horizontal agreements (1) - cartels
14:Horizontal agreements (2) - oligopoly, tacit collusion, and collective dominance
15:Horizontal agreements (3) - cooperation agreements
16:Vertical agreements
17:Abuse of dominance (1) - non-pricing practices
18:Abuse of dominance (2) - pricing practices
19:The relationship between intellectual property rights and competition law
20:Mergers (1) - introduction
21:Mergers (2) - EU law
22:Mergers (3) - UK law
23:Particular sectors