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Land Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780198904496
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780192856760
Published: May 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £42.99

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The most engaging analysis of land law's key themes, developing a sophisticated understanding through a straightforward style.

Academically rigorous yet welcoming and fully attuned to the needs of the student reader, Chris Bevan's Land Law represents a new breed of textbook, blending traditional and contemporary teaching approaches to guide readers to a confident understanding of the subject.

Key features:

  • The author's engaging writing style speaks directly to students and anticipates their questions, enabling the book to present a sophisticated analysis of the law that does not overwhelm readers
  • 105 carefully-constructed diagrams and flowcharts set out the material in intuitive visual formats, providing bird's eye views of topics and concepts and thereby aiding understanding
  • Key cases for each topic are succinctly summarized in a 'facts', 'legal issue', 'judgment' format to provide students with a clear sense of why they are important and to pique their interest, providing a springboard for independent reading of the primary sources
  • 'Future directions' sections at the end of each chapter epitomize the book's forward-looking, horizon-scanning perspective, proving to students that land law remains active and relevant,
  • The book provides focused yet comprehensive coverage, closely mapped to LLB courses and aligned with subject trends and priorities - unregistered land is covered in appropriate brevity, and a full chapter is devoted to the increasingly-important topic of land law and human rights
  • Also available as an e-book enhanced with self-assessment activities and multi-media content to offer a fully immersive experience and extra learning support

Key new cases include: on proprietary estoppel, Guest v Guest (2022); on adverse possession, Healey v Fraine (2023); and on easements, Fearn v Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery (2023).

Digital formats and resources:

The fourth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access, along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support: www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/ebooks

Property Law
1:Introduction to land law
2:Registered land
3:Unregistered land
4:Adverse possession
6:Interests in the family home
8:Proprietary estoppel
10:Leasehold covenants
11:Easements and profits
12:Freehold covenants
14:Land law and human rights