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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Land Law 4th ed isbn 9780198904496

Land Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780192856760
New Edition ISBN: 9780198904496
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198840329
Published: April 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Academically rigorous yet welcoming and fully attuned to the needs of the student reader, Chris Bevan's Land Law represents a new breed of textbook, blending traditional and contemporary teaching approaches to guide readers to a confident understanding of the subject.

p> With its lively, engaging writing style - in which the author's enthusiasm is always apparent - and distinctive way of speaking directly to students, anticipating their questions and areas of confusion, Bevan's book does not simply set out the law but actively teaches it. Clear explanations are complemented by carefully-crafted visual aids, conveying key concepts in ways that all students can understand, and topics are broken down into sections that are easy to digest.

This book maintains a critical emphasis and encourages students to consider and understand the law in context (both within society and their degree). 'Key case' boxes offer concise insights on leading cases that pique students' interest, spurring them to conduct their own reading of primary material, and although the book reflects on historical background in order to make sense of today's law, its overriding perspective is forward-looking, epitomized in the 'Future directions' conclusions for each chapter which consider future implications and likely reforms.

Balancing brevity with detail and rigour with accessibility, Land Law is a truly modern textbook that supports and motivates its readers, allowing them to reap the rewards an understanding of this complex but fascinating subject will bring.

Property Law
1:Introduction to land law
2:Registered land
3:Unregistered land
4:Adverse possession
6:Interests in the family home
8:Proprietary estoppel
10:Leasehold covenants
11:Easements and profits
12:Freehold covenants
14:Land law and human rights