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Card & James' Business Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780198748380
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198704126
Published: April 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £52.99

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Card and James' Business Law is the most detailed account of business law, providing commanding analysis of the English legal system, contract law, the law of tort, employment law, and partnership and company law.

Discussion of the core elements is supplemented with learning features which have been integrated throughout to support study and make the subject more accessible.

Relevant examples from the business environment and the key legal cases are presented to help students build a greater understanding of the interconnections between the law and the corporate setting. Chapter introductions and summaries help students identify the salient points of each chapter, while self-test questions allow students to reinforce understanding.

The book is accompanied by a collection of online resources to help students approach assessments with confidence: including supplementary problem and essay questions, multiple choice questions with instant feedback, and revision summaries.

Commercial Law
Part 1: The English Legal System
1: What is law?
2: The administration of the law
3: Domestic sources of law
4: Europe and the English legal system

Part 2: The Law of Contract
5: Introduction to contract law
6: The formation of the contract
7: The terms of the contract
8: The law of agency
9: Unfair terms
10: Vitiating factors
11: Discharge of the contract
12: Remedies for breach of contract

Part 3: The Law of Torts
13: An introduction to the law of torts
14: The tort of negligence
15: Business-related torts
16: Vicarious liability
17: Tortious defences and remedies

Part 4: Partnership Law and Company Law
18: Unincorporated business structures
19: Incorporation and bodies corporate
20: The constituents of a company
21: Shares and capital maintenance
22: Directors' duties
23: Member' remedies
24: Corporate rescue, insolvency, and dissolution

Part 5: Employment Law
25: The contract of employment
26: Employment rights
27: Discrimination law
28: The termination of employment