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Administrative Law: Text and Materials 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780198719465
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199238521
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £52.99

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Previously Beatson, Matthews & Elliott's Administrative Law, now titled Administrative Law Text and Materials this new edition combines carefully selected extracts from key cases, articles, and other sources with detailed commentary.

Aimed at undergraduates studying administrative law, it provides comprehensive coverage of the subject and brings together in one volume the best features of a textbook and a casebook. Rather than simply presenting administrative law as a straightforward body of legal rules, this engaging, critical text considers the subject as an expression of underlying constitutional and other policy concerns, which fundamentally shape the relationship between the citizen and the state. The result is a fascinating account of a subject of crucial importance.

The book is supported by online an Online Resource Centre, offering the following useful resources:-

  • Updates which cover all the legal developments since publication
  • 'Oxford NewsNow' RSS feeds provide constantly refreshed links to the latest relevant new stories
  • Interactive timeline of key dates in British political history
  • Annotated web links

Constitutional and Administrative Law
1.: Introductory matters
2.: Jurisdiction
3.: The status of unlawful administrative action
4.: The scope of public law principles
5.: Retention of discretion
6.: Legitimate expectations
7.: Abuse of discretion I
8.: Abuse of discretion II
9.: Bias, impartiality and independence
10.: Procedural fairness
11.: Giving reasons for decisions
12.: Remedies
13.: The judicial review procedure
14.: Restriction of remedies
15.: Liability of public authorities
16.: Delegated legislation
17.: Inquiries
18.: Tribunals
29.: Ombudsmen