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Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection New ed

Alan E. BoyleProfessor of International Law, University of Edinburgh, Michael R. Anderson

ISBN13: 9780198267898
ISBN: 0198267894
Published: May 1998
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £68.00

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This collection of essays explores links between the environment and human rights, and responds to the growing debate among activists, lawyers, academics and policy-makers on the legal status of environmental rights in both international and domestic law, and on the proposals for a human right to a satisfactory environment. The collection is an original and timely contribution to the existing literature on this subject, and offers a sustained analysis which addresses both the conceptual and practical problems of environmental rights. The conceptual dimensions are particularly rich, raising fundamental questions concerning the human/environment relationship as well as more general issues regarding the form, content and limitations of international and domestic human rights law. The first part of the book deals mainly with the protection of the environment in international human rights law and EC law, while part two concentrates on problems and experience in developing countries, some of which have already incorporated environmental rights and international constitutional law and from which a growing jurisprudence has emerged. This is where at present human rights approaches seem to;Each chapter is written by an author well qualified in the field. The volume will have a wide appeal to anyone interested in environmental law and human rights.

Environmental Law
1. Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection: An Overview
2. Environmental Protection and Human Rights: Conceptual Aspects
3. The Role of International Human Rights Law and the Protection of the Environment
4. Life, The Universe and Everything: A Critique of Anthropocentric Rights
5. Environmental Rights in Existing Human Rights Treaties
6. Environmental Rights in the European Union: Participatory Democracy or Democratic Deficit
7. Access to Environmental Justice and Procedural Rights in International Institutions
8. Social Justice and the Judicial Enforcement of Environmental Rights and Duties
9. Environmental Rights and the New South African Constitution
10. Individual Rights to Environmental Protection in India
11. Practical Human Rights, NGOs and the Environment in Malaysia
12. Indiginous peoples, Environmental Degradation and Human Rights: A Case Study
13. Constitutional Environmental Rights in Brazil
14. Islam and Judicial Activism: Public Address Litigation under Environmental Protection in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan