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The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume 1: The Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction from 597 to the 1640s

ISBN13: 9780198258971
ISBN: 0198258976
Published: January 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £345.00

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This volume traces the reception and subsequent history of the canon law in England between 597 and 1649. It covers, amongst other topics, the Anglo-Saxon laws, both secular and spiritual; the establishment of consistory courts; and the fate of the canon law during and after the English reformation.

Secondly, this volume addresses the subjects under ecclesiastical jurisdiction: Civil procedure and the Law of Proof; monetary obligations and economic regulation; testamentary law and probate jurisdiction; tithes and spiritual dues; churches and the clergy; marriage and divorce; defamation; and crimes and criminal procedure. These subjects are examined using evidence from later medieval and early modern court records, and the volume seeks to place them within the context of formal canon law.

The volume also places ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the context of English society and the English common law.

Legal History
I. The Anglo-Saxon Church
II. From the Norman Conquest to the Establishment of Consistory Courts
III. From the Thirteenth Century to the Accession of Elizabeth
IV. From the Elizabethan Settlement to the Abolition of Episcopacy
V. Civil Procedure and the Law of Proof
VI. Monetary Obligations and Economic Regulation
VII. Testamentary Law and Probate Jurisdiction
VIII. Tithes and Spiritual Dues
IX. Churches and the Clergy
X. Marriage and Divorce
XI. Defamation
XII. The Criminal Law

Series: Oxford History of the Laws of England

The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume 2, 871-1216 ISBN 9780198260301
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The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume 2, 871-1216 (eBook) ISBN 9780191630033
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The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume 6: 1483 - 1558 (eBook) ISBN 9780191018572
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